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Natural Wellness Worldwide 23.11.2022

Three classes to choose from - Chapala, San Antonio, and online

Natural Wellness Worldwide 23.11.2022

We had a great beginning qigong class last Friday in the rose garden at my home. Five enthusiastic students. There is room for more if anyone would like to join us. If you are not in the Chapala area and would like to learn qigong from an experienced teacher, I have an on-line class. Both classes will be limited in size so students can get individual attention and feedback. If there is a demand, a second in-person class will be started on a different day. ... For information on either class, PM me your email and tell me which class you are interested in. I'll send information.

Natural Wellness Worldwide 23.11.2022

This is just a sample of self-Havening. For more on self-Havening or for Havening with a practitioner, send me an email. Havening can aid in stress relief, help relieve past traumas, help in reaching goals and more.

Natural Wellness Worldwide 23.11.2022

New Year's resolution to improve your health? Here's one possibility. Can be done by anyone regardless of fitness level or mobility constraints. Start the yea...r with a gentle, healthy practice. Three opportunities to learn. Classes in Chapala and San Antonio Tl. Also online class held twice per week. Contact me for information on qigong or classes. See more

Natural Wellness Worldwide 22.11.2022

An excellent article which covers diet and lifestyle, and their association to disease.

Natural Wellness Worldwide 22.11.2022

QIGONG AS MEDICINE All Qigong can be called medical because the practice of it directly benefits health and body function. Although ancient in origin, Qigong is a new category of exercise called Meditative Movement (or what Harvard Medical School calls "moving medication") which combines movement, breathing, and awareness. Qigong's diaphragmatic breathing and mental focus encourage health, growth, restoration, digestion, and vitality mainly through modulation of the autonomic...Continue reading

Natural Wellness Worldwide 22.11.2022

I have been asked to share my story with others. I will start here with my healing story from qigong. Those in the photo with me are from the cast of the Shaolin Show in Beijing. My qigong healing story: Before I began qigong I had various health problems: ... Severe pollen allergies. I lived on antihistamines, decongestants, nasal sprays, and inhalers. Post-menopausal physical changes which were uncomfortable, such as bladder spasms. Arthritis in my hands which caused almost constant ache in my knuckles. Back aches and stiffness from multiple back injuries. Migraines. Frequent colds, sinus infections, bronchitis, pneumonia. Especially bad in winter. Every January I was ill. Since starting qigong in 2000: Pollen allergies almost completely gone. No need for medications. Bladder spasms and other post-menopausal symptoms gone; no medications needed. Ache in hands completely gone, knuckles healed. Back is much more flexible and hardly ever have backaches. Migraines gone. Infrequent colds; no more sinus infections, bronchitis. A few years ago I had an injury which resulted in damage to both inner ears (balance) and intractable vertigo. I was dizzy and nauseated all the time. The injury resulted in the need for two inner ear surgeries. During post-op rehab with a vestibular therapist, I was told that my balance was so good that it compensated for the poor inner ear function. The therapist said she believed that if I did not practice qigong I would need a walker to get around. Two years ago I developed blocked sweat glands on the bottom of both feet, complicated by the loss of the fat pads. It hurt to walk, even with padding in my shoes. The podiatrist said that there was no cure and I would have this problem for the rest of my life. I started a new qigong practice which cured the sweat glands and has partially restored the fat pads. There is no more pain on walking and I'm anticipating more recovery in the future. During the injuries I received a few years ago, vertebrae in my neck were dislocated which caused almost constant severe headaches and numbness in hands and feet. The neurosurgeon told me there was nothing he could do and I should learn to live with it. Through qigong I've been able to heal my neck enough that there is feeling now in hands and feet and the severe headaches are infrequent. I anticipate continued healing in the future. * * * * * * * * * * * * * I'm very grateful that I discovered qigong. Without it I believe I would be unable to function normally with activities of daily living because of the health problems. Healing is not accomplished without effort - I've spent many, many hours working on my healing. I've been written off by several doctors, so to feel as good as I do now is incredible. This is why I teach - to share this wonderful healing practice with others.

Natural Wellness Worldwide 21.11.2022

Why I won't practice qigong. Objection #2 It’s weird, new age kind of stuff. Qigong is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and has been practiced for thousands of years. TCM is based on qi (energy) flow in the body. The goal is to balance your internal energy and attain/maintain health.

Natural Wellness Worldwide 20.11.2022

I've seen many of the places on this video. Would love to back some day.

Natural Wellness Worldwide 20.11.2022

Why should I practice qigong, I'm not sick? There is a saying in China - don't start digging your well when you are thirsty.Why should I practice qigong, I'm not sick? There is a saying in China - don't start digging your well when you are thirsty.


Localidad: Chapala, Jalisco

Ubicación: Chapala centro 45900 Chapala, Jalisco, Mexico

Web: naturalhealingky.abmp.com/

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