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WeDot 23.11.2022

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWDqYSA-qJ0 Conduit is a free and open source plugin for Grasshopper published by Proving Ground. Conduit allows designers to create custom dashboards as an overlay on their parametric Rhino model.

WeDot 23.11.2022

Two papers from CITA have been published in the FABRICATE book 2017, which you can download for free here: http://www.fabricate2017.org//fabricate-book-free-download/ Enjoy the read!

WeDot 23.11.2022

WIP diagrams ... #WeDot #UrbanDeMexico .... UIW university... #architecture #diagram

WeDot 23.11.2022

WIP ... UIW university... #diagram #architecture #design ... @wedotdesign / #UrbanDeMexico


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