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Voluntarias Vicentinas de Cd.Juárez 23.11.2022

Mensaje del Papa Francisco desde Twitter con motivo de la memoria de San Vicente de Paúl.

Voluntarias Vicentinas de Cd.Juárez 23.11.2022

Un día como hoy fue ordenado San Vicente de Paúl en 1600 y San Juan Gabriel Perboyre en 1825. Damos gracias a Dios por el testimonio de vida de nuestro fundador en sus 420 años de aniversario sacerdotal y de nuestro cohermano santo a 195 años de su ordenación. Dios los bendiga.

Voluntarias Vicentinas de Cd.Juárez 23.11.2022

Feliz día de San Vicente de Paúl para todos. Que Dios nos dé la gracia de servir a Jesucristo, en la persona de los Pobres, todos los días de nuestras vidas.

Voluntarias Vicentinas de Cd.Juárez 22.11.2022

"Vincent was always on the move, ever open to the discovery of God and himself. () His life then became one of unflagging service, even to his dying breath. (...) Burning with the desire to make Jesus known to the poor, Vincent devoted himself passionately to preaching, especially through popular missions and by careful attention to the training of priests. He quite naturally employed a little method, speaking first by his life and with great simplicity, in a familiar and straightforward way. The Spirit used him as the means for a great outpouring of generosity in the Church. Inspired by the early Christians who were of one heart and soul (Acts 4:32), Saint Vincent founded the Confraternities of Charity, who cared for those in greatest need by living in communion and joyfully sharing their possessions, in the conviction that Jesus and the poor are the treasure of great price. As he loved to repeat, When you visit the poor, you encounter Jesus. "Saint Vincent embodied this in his own life, and even now he continues to speak to each of us and to all of us as Church.His witness invites us to keep moving, ever ready to let ourselves be surprised by the Lord’s gaze and his word. He asks of us lowliness of heart, complete availability and humble docility. He prompts us to live in fraternal communion among ourselves and to go forth courageously in mission to the world. He calls us to free ourselves from complicated language, self-absorbed rhetoric and attachment to material forms of security. These may seem satisfactory in the short term but they do not grant God’s peace; indeed, they are frequently obstacles to mission. Vincent encourages us to invest in the creativity of love with the authenticity of a heart which sees (cf. Deus caritas est, 31). [MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS TO THE VINCENTIAN FAMILY ON THE FOURTH CENTENARY OF THE CHARISM] #VincentianMonth See more

Voluntarias Vicentinas de Cd.Juárez 22.11.2022

Fratelli tutti (Hermanos todos) es la tercera Encíclica del Papa Francisco, y en ella habla sobre la fraternidad y la amistad social. Te presentamos un pequeño resumen de este bello texto https://bit.ly/33vgOHb

Voluntarias Vicentinas de Cd.Juárez 22.11.2022

Mensaje de nuestro Asesor Presbítero Armando Benavides

Voluntarias Vicentinas de Cd.Juárez 21.11.2022

Hoy celebramos a san Pío de Pietrelcina, conocido como el sacerdote de los estigmas. Conoce más de su vida aquí http://bit.ly/2kBmZ8V


Teléfono: +65 6616 8536

Web: vicentinas.com.mx

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