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Universal English Institute 23.11.2022

Aprovecha tu tiempo! Aprende inglés desde casa. Clases online disponibles. Todos los niveles. Informes: 2222 390840. Aprender inglés con nosotros, es garantía de por vida

Universal English Institute 23.11.2022

¿Necesitas acreditar inglés para titularte, para estudiar un posgrado o para acceder a un mejor empleo? ¡Contáctanos! Informes: 2222 390840 Si ya has estudiado inglés previamente, te aplicamos examen de ubicación a fin de que no comiences tu curso desde el principio y podamos ofrecerte el nivel adecuado, de acuerdo con los conocimientos que ya tengas.

Universal English Institute 23.11.2022

TerriLee Bell is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: "Talk About Three Things" Some possible questions are: ... Can you talk about three names you go by? Can you talk about three things you like about yourself? Can you talk about three things you dislike about yourself? Can you talk about three parts of your heritage? Can you talk about three things that scare you? Can you talk about three things you need to do everyday? Can you talk about three things you are wearing now? Can you talk about three of your favorite band that you listen to now? Can you talk about three of your favorite songs? Can you talk about three things you want to do in the next twelve months? Can you talk about three things you want in a relationship? Can you talk about three things you can't do? Can you talk about three of your hobbies? Can you talk about three things you want to do right now? Can you talk about three things you want to do before the end of the year? Can you talk about three cities you would like to visit? Can you talk about three of your favorite things to eat? Can you talk three people who have influenced your life? Can you talk about three of your most prized possessions? I hope to see a bunch of you in our meeting Friday evening! Time: Oct 2, 2020 07:00 PM Mexico City Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89889789960 Meeting ID: 898 8978 9960 Passcode: 699827

Universal English Institute 23.11.2022

¡Aprovecha nuestra promoción por Buen Fin! Regístrate con nosotros y obtén ¡Inscripción y material para tu primer nivel totalmente GRATIS! Horarios online disponibles: martes y jueves de 4 a 6 pm o sabatino de 10 am a 2 pm. Informes: 2222 39 08 40. Aprender inglés con nosotros, es garantía de por vida.


Teléfono: 4452511

Ubicación: Calle 9 Sur 102 74200 Atlixco, Puebla, Mexico

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