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Psychology Consulting in Queretaro 24.11.2022

Appointments: https://www.psico.org/centro-51838 As with any super-hyped trend, you might hear all sorts of promises and applications for mindfulness. It is, in fact, an effective technique to aid in many stress-related conditions if used correctly; and is incorporated into your routine, it may foster goal attainment in the long term.

Psychology Consulting in Queretaro 23.11.2022

Appointments: https://www.psico.org/centro-51838 Broken hearts are one of the greatest pains that we may experience, yet look away from since they are "expected" in any normal person's life. Moving on successfully may depend on factors like resilience, surroundings- and professional help!

Psychology Consulting in Queretaro 23.11.2022

Appointments: https://www.psico.org/centro-51838 WhatsApp: (Mex) 4421780553 This way of ending relationships has several consequences, both for the person doing it as for the person getting ghosted. The common ground is a feeling of emptiness on behalf of understanding why it happened and its impact on decreased confidence for moving forward. Learning to confront the urge to ghost someone can be easier that just waiting to have it done to you.

Psychology Consulting in Queretaro 23.11.2022

Appointments: https://www.psico.org/centro-51838 WhatsApp: (Mex) 4421780553 The old saying of loving yourself before you can love others is based on a very simple principle: Knowing yourself. In order to love, you must accept, and thus you must start by getting to know the parts of your personality you understand, as well as the persona you put aside fro later incursion into. Therapy provides you both the space and resources to get to know yourself the way that will allow you to love the real you that you are.

Psychology Consulting in Queretaro 22.11.2022

Appointments: https://www.psico.org/centro-51838 WhatsApp: 4421780553 Not only is this an issue we may take years to realize, it is also one we tend to emulate as adults even if we hated it in our younger years. The only way to have the tools to break the cycle is to be aware of the responsibilities both parents had and to be able to see them in ourselves. The way we handle this may permeate into our roles as parents, employers, and friends.

Psychology Consulting in Queretaro 20.11.2022

This is a "space" in which I'll be posting general-interest topics and articles related to clinical psychology that tend to come up during consultation with my patients. Feel free to share your topics or articles of personal interest for review and open discussion as an idea exchange forum. Should any topic make you feel uneasy or uncomfortable in any way, contact me so we can schedule an appointment and find out together more about why it touched you in particular.


Teléfono: +52 442 178 0553

Ubicación: De la Peñita Ote. #13 76100 Corregidora, Querétaro Arteaga, Mexico

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