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Translationbyelena 23.11.2022

Urgent: RAICES needs volunteer translators for mothers who have been separated from their children at the border: who speak indigenous languages (eg, zapotec, nahua, ma'am, quich'e, maya, mixe, mixteco -- not Spanish). Do you know anybody? They don't need to be in Texas, or even in the US. They can translate remotely." Email: [email protected] copy and paste guys. get it out there

Translationbyelena 22.11.2022

Лжепсихолог, выносит информацию из закрытых групп поддержки.

Translationbyelena 22.11.2022

The first book of my cousin is published! I am really proud, as I was reading his stories while he was writing them:) Now in Russian, but hope, soon, it will have an English version, as well. Please like and share :)

Translationbyelena 22.11.2022

Ну, что, девчата, опыт показывает, что в интернете можно найти работу и ответственных людей. В настоящее время нужен переводчик со знанием греческого языка. Пишите мне, а я вас переправлю работодателю.

Translationbyelena 21.11.2022

Looking for a German to Swedish translator, native Swedish please. All interested - send please your CV and rate in a message or to mail: [email protected].


Teléfono: 0682260002

Ubicación: Col.Volcanes, Acultzingo 54 68020 Oaxaca de Juárez, Oaxaca, Mexico

Web: translationbyelena.com

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