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The Landing 22.11.2022

Weather is perfecgt down here and no Covid

The Landing 22.11.2022

Touring bikers always love the Tipis. These boys came down from Boise.

The Landing 22.11.2022

The guys from Belgium met up with one of our American guests and a solo Mexican traveler.

The Landing 21.11.2022

A great drone vid taken by our guests Bruno and his girlfriend.

The Landing 21.11.2022

Last month of the season which entitles you to a 20% discount. Email us and don't use a rental site for this discount.


Localidad: Los Barriles, Baja California Sur, Mexico

Ubicación: North Beach 23330 Los Barriles, Baja California Sur, Mexico

Web: www.captainnemoslanding.com/

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