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Smart Leap Digital Chaman Marketing 23.11.2022

Once you’ve identified your market’s ideal after you can craft your Statement of ValueOnce you’ve identified your market’s ideal after you can craft your Statement of Value

Smart Leap Digital Chaman Marketing 22.11.2022

Estoy por terminar funnel (embudo de ventas) para vender en automático paquetes todo incluido para un nicho en especifico que ahorita esta en TENDENCIA , si no estas usando embudos de venta en tu agencia o si piensas que con tu sitio web es suficiente, estas ejecutando mal tus estrategias y lo mas seguro es que te quedaste en un modelo de trabajo muy viejo que en su momento fue tendencia pero ya no lo es (sitios web con booking system). y ademas dudo que tu sitio web tenga ta...zas de conversión altas. si tu sitio web ya esta teniendo buenas conversiones ahora imagínate si usas funnels para vender, uffff, tus resultados se pueden ir a los cielos y lo estas desaprovechando. Recomendación: Usar plataformas como instapage | Leadpages | clickfunnels | Elementor de Wordpress para construir tus embudos de venta. #agenciasdeviaje #sales #branding #startups #marketingturistico #emprendimiento #marketingdigital

Smart Leap Digital Chaman Marketing 22.11.2022

Working less to achieve more... Most back-office processes are non-value-adding, i.e., tasks that must be performed to maintain operations but that don't help a company grow. Although organizations can't neglect accounts receivable, transactions or reporting, these activities don't actively bring in new clients and revenue, which is where a back-office outsourcer comes into play. Back-office work is ripe for outsourcing because it requires a lot of institutional resources tha...t could be utilized for other business functions, particularly for creating growth. Imagine that a business wants to open another location, add a product line, recruit a top executive or revamp its online presence. These initiatives take significant investments of time and energy, but if decision-makers also have to worry about routine tasks, they will only be distracted from opportunities to grow their businesses. See more

Smart Leap Digital Chaman Marketing 22.11.2022

The very start of your sales funnel needs to begin with the squeeze page. A squeeze page is just a Web page that offers the visitor something of value, such as a report on a specific topic of interest, in return for the person’s contact information (usually the person’s name and email address).

Smart Leap Digital Chaman Marketing 22.11.2022

How does the funnel work? As we've read, creating a funnel takes time. You constantly need to assess who you're creating it for and why. But once you've got an idea, putting it into action is pretty simple. To keep it simple, let's stick to the AIDA acronym mentioned above. 1. Awareness - This is where you catch the traffic. It could be through social media, organic traffic to a blog post, or the in-person engagement that brings in local customers. For Visit Philly, we saw ...that they took time to make visual aids like photography and video a huge part of their awareness stage, even before other destinations were doing it. 2. Interest - Here's where you dazzle the customers and show them how your offers are going to fit into their life. The important thing to do here is to share relevant information that people can remember. For Philadelphia, a lot of their current efforts are coming from social media campaigns that highlight the fun daily vibes, notable events in the area, and the historic aspects. Here's one from their current social campaign: 3. Decision - Here's where the consumers learn more about what you're bringing to the table. They should see the whole picture, including the cost. 4. Action - This is where you sweeten the deal by adding something extra to the offer. It could be a free service, a discount, or an add-on. Another company that seems to master their conversion efforts is Drift. They have a strong and lasting effect on their readers because they create very clean content that makes it easy to digest and understand what they need to do.

Smart Leap Digital Chaman Marketing 22.11.2022

The Perfect MARKETING CAMPAIGN Checklist STEP 1: DEFINE YOUR CORE OFFER Have you defined your core offer? This is the flagship offer of your campaign, the offer you’re most proud of. Identify the offer that you’re ultimately hoping that people will purchase from you....Continue reading

Smart Leap Digital Chaman Marketing 22.11.2022

When Should You Hire Outsourcing Companies for Your Business? To remain competitive in the market and to enhance the business process and offer great customer service, many companies are looking for a one word solution that is within their budget. And the best gateway to success is to hire an outsourcing company. There are times when organizations have to consider outsourcing as the only available option before them for reasons like no expert in-house employees can perform a ...specific task. However, there are times when subcontracting is not the only option, but it is the best option and a wise decision that helps in the growth of the business. As the barriers of working remotely continue to fall apart in the global marketplace, business owners are choosing to outsource various tasks to gain more benefits. But rather than simply focusing on saving cost, the decision to subcontract the needs should be taken in context of the whole business. Let's discuss a few points in the next post that need consideration. #outsorcing #marketingdigital #ecommerce

Smart Leap Digital Chaman Marketing 22.11.2022

Business owners check this video if you want to rank locally in Google search results #marketing #local #seo #digital #marketing #gmb #google

Smart Leap Digital Chaman Marketing 21.11.2022

’ be a ‘when you have time’ approach, or as an afterthought. Content creation is a long-term commitment that should be constantly developed and focused on to get the best out of what you’re producing. ’ for content creation, then find someone in your business who does, whether it’s hiring a new employee to focus on marketing content, or getting someone within the marketing team to take on content as their main responsibility. That way, you can ensure that it never gets neglected and receives the time and attention it needs on a more permanent basis.

Smart Leap Digital Chaman Marketing 21.11.2022

¿Qué es el Google 3-Pack? Si Google percibe que una búsqueda tiene "intención local", se muestran tres negocios locales como un grupo (o "paquete"), junto con con un mapa que destaca las ubicaciones de estas empresas. Este paquete de empresas locales se muestran después de cualquier anuncio pagado y antes de la búsqueda orgánica de resultados. Tenga en cuenta que el paquete 3 aparece antes de todos los sitios web posicionados orgánicamente. ¿Qué significa exactamente "intenci...ón local"? Una búsqueda podría tener una intención local si: La frase de búsqueda incluye un término geográfico (por ejemplo, nombre de la ciudad, calle nombre, código postal La frase de búsqueda incluye palabras como "buscar ..." o "cerca de mí" La frase de búsqueda incluye un negocio o término que normalmente es asociado con un negocio local, como "fontanero", "agente inmobiliario" o "dentista" ¿Cómo puede el paquete de 3-pack impactar en un negocio? Dado que el paquete 3-pack es lo primero que ven los clientes potenciales cuando buscan un producto o servicio, es fácil ver cómo el posicionar tu negocio para que aparezca en el paquete 3-pack puede ser un atajo ENORME para llegar a la parte superior de la primera página de los resultados de Google. De hecho, el primer, segundo y tercer resultado reciben 24.48%, 13.81% y 9.5% de clics, respectivamente, para un total combinado de 47.79% de clics, de acuerdo con Advanced Web Ranking (statistics for mobile traffic, December 2017). Cuando combinas esto con el hecho de que se realizan más búsquedas en dispositivos móviles frente al escritorio, puedes ver fácilmente cuán importante puede ser el Google 3-pack para tu empresa. Ten en cuenta que dado que el paquete 3-pack depende totalmente de la ubicación del buscador y los términos que se buscan, es imposible garantizar que aparecerá un negocio en el paquete 3-pack. Lo que podemos hacer, sin embargo, es examinar cómo puede aumentar las posibilidades de aparecer en el paquete de 3-pack cuando un cliente potencial (es decir, alguien en su área geográfica) busca su producto o servicio.

Smart Leap Digital Chaman Marketing 21.11.2022

Como vender paquetes All-Inclusive usando Funnels Como paquetes all-inclusive usando embudos de venta ¿Que son los embudos de venta y como funcionan? Si estas buscando implementar otras estrategias de adquisicion de prospectos, esto te va a interesar... #marketingdigital #embudosdeventa #funnels #emprendimientodigital #agenciasdeviaje #all-inclusive #lunasdemiel

Smart Leap Digital Chaman Marketing 21.11.2022

5 Reasons To Hire A Virtual Administrative Assistant As a business professional you can get stressed out from the day to day operations of what it takes to run your business. There are so many Administrative tasks that you need to take care of that keeps you bogged down that can be delegated to a Virtual Administrative Assistant. Do you find yourself working in your business instead of on your business? Can you relate? This is where hiring and investing in a Virtual Administr...ative Assistant to partner with you comes in to relieve you of your stress. Here are 5 reasons why you need to hire a virtual assistant to partner with you: Social Media. Let's face it everyone doesn't like to or know how to use Social Media to their advantage and that's where an experienced Virtual Assistant Manager comes in to help. Therefore hiring someone to tackle that task will make your life much easier. A VA can schedule posts, find images to use in the posts, reply to comments, and manage analytics. Writing. A Virtual Assistant can free you up with taking care of writing your blog posts, manuals, proposals, online course materials and web or sales copy. And first of all not everyone likes to write or has the time to write. If your Va loves to write then this would be a wonderful win win for both of you. Research. This is a time consuming task that a Virtual Assistant could take over for you. Some of the research that they could do for you is research your competitors, key words for an article or your website, Affiliate or JV Partners, and speaking opportunities for you. Also they can reply to speaker requests by sending out your one sheets and replying to meeting planners. Customer Service. Managing/organizing your email and email questions, returning/answering phone calls for you, surveys and follow up, and on boarding clients or team members. Also calendar management, filing documents, typing up documents, and any other customer service task that you might need help with. Administrative Tasks. Making your travel plans, file organization, personal tasks that you just don't have time to do, calendaring, and being a gatekeeper for you. And who doesn't need a gatekeeper from time to time. So there you have it. A Virtual Assistant can make your life so much easier and run smoother that you will wonder why you didn't hire one a long time ago. Wouldn't you rather be out generating money instead of working in your business?

Smart Leap Digital Chaman Marketing 20.11.2022

El marketing turístico ha cambiado mucho en los últimos años, y entre esos cambios vemos una tendencia que lleva a la desestacionalización y a la diversificación de la oferta en lo que yo le llamo micro-nichos de experiencias, con el objetivo de incrementar la demanda, algunas estrategias y promociones online juegan un papel importante para difundir los destinos turísticos a los posibles clientes. La oferta turística se ha ampliado y busca nichos de públicos que están surgie...ndo o potenciándose, como por ejemplo: Turismo relacionado con parques de ocio y parques temáticos. Turismo rural (que ha ganado mucho terreno en los últimos años). Turismo de aventura (piragüismo, ciclo-turismo, escalada, descenso de cañones,etc.). Turismo de relax o de salud. Turismo gastronómico. Turismo relacionado con algunos deportes (turismo de golf, náutico, de esquí y estaciones de invierno). A esta lista se suman muchas otras alternativas, que van surgiendo como consecuencia del esfuerzo para diversificarse y que tienen como objetivo atraer turismo a un destino concreto,. Lo mismo ocurre con las campañas que promocionan el turismo. El marketing digital. Han ido cambiando con el tiempo en algunas industrias más que otras. Una de las estrategias que más ha revolucionado en los últimos años en el marketing online a mi parecer son los funnels, o embudos o túneles de venta por buscar una traducción en español. Lamentablemente estas nuevos sistemas o plataformas web no han sido todavía muy bien introducidas en la industria turística que precisamente este tema es parte de lo implementamos dentro de la agencia como parte de nuestra oferta de servicios para empresas turísticas, es bien interesante este tema. Les seguiré platicando más al respecto en los próximos días.


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