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Slow Food Yucatán 23.11.2022

Este año, tod@s podremos participar en linea de nuestro gran evento anual Terra Madre Slow Food. NUESTRA COMIDA, NUESTRO PLANETA, NUESTRO FUTURO. No te lo pierdas: http://bit.ly/RELAYRACETM2020 #TerraMadre #SlowFoodforChange

Slow Food Yucatán 23.11.2022

Baluarte de Pepita de Calabaza de la Península de Yucatán La calabaza es originaria de las Américas, su género está compuesto por alrededor de 27 especies, de las cuales 19 son silvestres y 6 han sido domesticadas. Se sabe que ha sido cultivada por lo menos hace 4 mil años en la península de Yucatán, donde forma parte del sistema tradicional milpa en el que se siembra maíz, calabaza y frijoles, siendo estos tres alimentos el sustento alimenticio de la dieta Maya.

Slow Food Yucatán 23.11.2022

Este sábado 03 de Octubre los esperamos en nuestro Mercado de la Tierra Slow Food Mérida, de 9 A.M. a 1 P.M. adecuados a la nueva normalidad. Recuerda seguir las indicaciones de sanidad, usar tapa bocas, lavarte las manos y sobretodo mantener la sana distancia. This Saturday October 3th we wait for you at our Slow Food Merida Earth Market, from 9 A.M. at 1 P.M. adequate to the new normal. Remember to follow the health instructions, use a mouth cap, wash your hands and above all keep a healthy distance.

Slow Food Yucatán 22.11.2022

Escucha a Wilen Chay, productor maya de cerdo pelón de la península de Yucatán integrado al El Hombre Sobre La Tierra A.C. y al Baluarte de Slow Food International Cerdo Pelón: sustentabilidad en productos de origen animal (Slow Meat). La crianza silvopastoril del cerdo pelón mexicano en la península de Yucatán representa un modelo sustentable y replicable para fortalecer la seguridad y soberanía alimentaria de comunidades indígenas maya. https://www.slowfood.mx/

Slow Food Yucatán 21.11.2022

Slow Food Servicio a Domicilio del Mercado de la Tierra Mérida, estaremos recibiendo sus pedidos hasta el MIERCOLES cerrando pedidos a las la 6 P.M. Mándanos un Whats App ó llámanos para tomar tu pedido, atendemos en inglés o español, y nos encargamos de lo demás. Gracias por tu apoyo. #QuedateEncasa #slowfoodsolidarity ... Slow Food Home Service of the Merida Earth Market, we will be receiving your orders until WEDNESDAY closing orders at 6 P.M. Send us a Whats App or call us to take your order, we serve in English or Spanish, and we take care of the rest. Thanks for your support.

Slow Food Yucatán 21.11.2022

Slow Food #TerraMadre2020

Slow Food Yucatán 21.11.2022

Cuando cambias tus hábitos alimenticios y consumes en tu dieta alimentos buenos y limpios, tu salud y ánimo mejora notablemente, disminuyes el riesgo de contraer enfermedades ya que el sistema inmune se fortifica para hacer frente a agentes externos dañinos para la salud. En Slow Food estamos comprometidos con nuestros clientes y amigos co productores, por lo que estaremos como cada sábado ofreciendo nuestras cosechas y productos para tu familia, hoy más que nunca se hace nec...esario apoyarnos mutuamente y consumir fresco y local. Te esperamos de 9 A.M. a 1 P.M. a un costado del Teatro Colón, en la García Ginerés. When you change your eating habits and consume good and clean foods in your diet, your health and mood improves markedly, you reduce the risk of contracting diseases since the immune system is fortified to face external agents that are harmful to health. At Slow Food we are committed to our clients and friends as co-producers, so we will be like every Saturday offering our crops and products for your family, today more than ever it is necessary to support each other and consume fresh and local. We wait for you from 9 A.M. at 1 P.M. next to the Teatro Colón, in García Ginerés. See more

Slow Food Yucatán 21.11.2022

The Food Talks are a new format of Terra Madre for 2020: ten minutes talks on specific issues by writers, economists, philosophers, anthropologists, ecologists,... educators, as well as farmers, herders, fishers and cooks, all of whom offer their own vision of the environment, agriculture and food: a collective framework of the future we want and need. http://bit.ly/FoodTalkEng #TerraMadre #SlowFoodForChange

Slow Food Yucatán 20.11.2022

Slow Food Servicio a Domicilio del Mercado de la Tierra Mérida, estaremos recibiendo sus pedidos hasta el MIERCOLES cerrando pedidos a las la 6 P.M. Mándanos un Whats App ó llámanos para tomar tu pedido, atendemos en inglés o español, y nos encargamos de lo demás. Gracias por tu apoyo. #QuedateEncasa #slowfoodsolidarity ... Slow Food Home Service of the Merida Earth Market, we will be receiving your orders until WEDNESDAY closing orders at 6 P.M. Send us a Whats App or call us to take your order, we serve in English or Spanish, and we take care of the rest. Thanks for your support.

Slow Food Yucatán 20.11.2022

Les recordamos que hoy hasta las 6 p.m puedes realizar tu pedido de servicio a domicilio para entregar este sábado 03 de Octubre #slowfoodsolidarity We remind you that today until 6 p.m. you can place your home service order to deliver this Saturday, October 3th... #slowfoodsolidarity

Slow Food Yucatán 20.11.2022

Les recordamos que hoy hasta las 6 p.m puedes realizar tu pedido de servicio a domicilio para entregar este sábado 10 de Octubre #slowfoodsolidarity We remind you that today until 6 p.m. you can place your home service order to deliver this Saturday, October 10... #slowfoodsolidarity

Slow Food Yucatán 20.11.2022

Ya están nuestros productores listos con sus cosechas frescas les esperamos hasta la 1 p.m. Our producers are already ready with their fresh harvests, we wait for them until 1 p.m.

Slow Food Yucatán 20.11.2022

Like a traditional opening ceremony, Terra Madre 2020 opens with a relay of conferences redesigned for the digital era: a journey in five parts that crosses con...tinents and time zones, a global dialog on the big questions of our age: Asia and Oceania start from the climate and environmental crisis, the main problem which we need to confront if we are to guarantee a sustainable future for human life, and indeed all life, on this planet. We reassert our response based in biodiversity, and the search for a healthier equilibrium between humanity and the rest of nature. In Europe we confront the policies on the table as part of the Green Deal and the Farm to Fork strategy to create a healthier, more sustainable food system, one which protects the health and well-being of people as well as reinforcing the competitiveness and resilience of the European Union. In Africa and the Middle East the major themes to tackle are migration as a consequence of the degradation of natural resources, the scarcity of water and land rights, which are all too often denied or violated. In North America the debate focuses on food education, equity, inclusion and justice and how oppression is deeply rooted in all American systems, including the food system. We reaffirm our commitment to make Slow Food an anti-racist organization which truly aims to guarantee good, clean and fair food for all. In South America, finally, we confront the problems of the devastation of the Amazon rainforest and the battles of indigenous people who suffering discrimination, theft and genocide. All too often natural resources and the most vulnerable people are subject to the same iniquitous treatment, victims of an insatiable greed that deprives people of the very idea of a future. http://bit.ly/RELAYRACETM2020 #TerraMadre #SlowFoodforChange

Slow Food Yucatán 20.11.2022

In order to make radical change we often need to analyze things from a new perspective. The science that investigates the reality of our surroundings is geograp...hy, and this is our starting point: putting political borders into the background and highlighting the primacy of the ecological sphere and the relationship between humanity and nature. In the opening conference of #TerraMadre 2020 we consider new geographies, alternatives to the current model of social and economic development, and possible futures. http://bit.ly/NewGeographies


Localidad: Mérida

Teléfono: +52 999 913 8674

Ubicación: Centro Comercial Colon- Avenida Reforma with Avenida Colon 97000 Mérida, México

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