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Salud East Cape 23.11.2022

What Christmas is all about, all year long.

Salud East Cape 23.11.2022

IMPORTANT ADVICE. Please share. #delegacionLB... #unidoshagamoscomunidad See more

Salud East Cape 22.11.2022

La Paz county returns to level 4 (very high risk) of health alert system. Businesses must reduce capacity to 40%, some businesses prohibited. https://www.bcsnoticias.mx/oficial-la-paz-y-comondu-vuelv/

Salud East Cape 21.11.2022

SUBIMOS A NIVEL 4 DEL SEMÁFORO DE ALERTA SANITARIA. Lamentablemente, subimos en el semáforo de alerta sanitaria, seamos solidarios con las personas que si toman... las medidas pertinentes, no bajemos la guardia ante esta contingencia de salud, no hay que confiarse, #unidoshagamoscomunidad y sigámonos cuidando y cuidando a los nuestr@s, para no seguir retrocediendo en el semáforo de alerta sanitaria. Favor de compartir. #delegacionLB #unidoshagamoscomunidad #sanadistancialb

Salud East Cape 20.11.2022

We need more masks!! Do you have material and/or elastic to donate?? Old drapes or bedspreads? T-shirts?? Do you have a sewing machine and can help make some? Please let us know!!

Salud East Cape 20.11.2022

http://www.bajainsider.com/artic/face-coverings-now-law-bcs 12/18/20 Wearing a mask basically anywhere outside your home is now THE LAW in Baja California Sur.... Being found NOT wearing appropriate face coverings or observing standing health protocols is punishable with 36hrs in JAIL and a fine of up to $8400MN. Technically speaking, the conviction of a crime can result in the nullification of your Mexican Visa. Don't get deported, (or be a pinchi gringo) simply wear a mask in all locations outside your home and observe health protocols.


Teléfono: +52 624 100 4802

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