Etiquetas / Categorías / Temas

R-Weee 24.11.2022

Contaminación Tecnológica Debemos concientizarnos que los equipos eléctricos y electrónicos sí contaminan sino son tratados adecuadamente en la fase final de su uso. Si los tiramos a un vertedero nos exponems a materiales sumamente tóxicos; por ejemplo, el fósforo de los tubos de rayos catódicos de los monitores o el vapor que emana del plomo y estaño de las soldaduras derretidas.

R-Weee 23.11.2022

E- waste and the greenhouse emissiions. Toxins The e-waste that is end-treated in an incinerator leads to greenhouse gas emissions and mercury emissions. Dioxins can be released when PVC parts are incinerated at a low temperature. (Source :United Nations University)

R-Weee 22.11.2022

Hazardous chemicals in my smartphone ? I bet you didn’t know that many hazardous chemicals are used to make your smartphone. For instance, some hazardous chemicals that are used in the manufacturing processes, like benzene and n-hexane, are carcinogenic while others can cause various adverse health impacts. (Source: Greenpeace International, August 2016)

R-Weee 21.11.2022

¿En tus oficinas tienes algún problema de almacenamiento de material eléctrico o electrónico? este problema va en aumento de forma mundial!

R-Weee 20.11.2022

E waste categories 2nd part.Large equipment. Large equipment. Typical equipment comprises washing machines, clothes dryers, dish washing machines, electric stoves, large printing machines, copying equipment and photovoltaic panels. Small equipment. Typical equipment comprises vacuum cleaners, microwaves, ventilation equipment, toasters, electric kettles, electric shavers, scales, calculators, radio sets, video cameras, electrical and electronic toys, small electrical and electronic tools, small medical devices, small monitoring and control instruments). Small IT and telecommunication equipment. Typical equipment comprises mobile phones,GPS, pocket calculators, routers, personal computers, printers, telephones). (Source United Nations University)

R-Weee 20.11.2022




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