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Romero Orthodontics 23.11.2022

Hello Patients! Please remember our regular business hours: Dr. Alex: Sundays-Wednesdays 10am-6pm. (Closed Thursdays & Fridays). Phone (218) 716 3211. Dr. Romero: Wednesdays-Sundays 10am-6pm (Closed Mondays & Tuesdays). Phone (281) 716 3137. If you need to contact us, our asistants should be available to take your calls! (We will try to keep our FB properly updated too!)

Romero Orthodontics 23.11.2022

Just came back from a month-long trip to southern Africa; don't worry, no Ebola got me! :P We are back to our regular schedule; see you soon!

Romero Orthodontics 23.11.2022

Trying to catch up with all our lovely patients; hope everyone has a great week!

Romero Orthodontics 21.11.2022

ROmero ORthdontics PLUS General Dentistry


Teléfono: +52 281 716 3211

Ubicación: Coahuila Street 212 88810 Nuevo Progreso, Tamaulipas, Mexico

Web: www.romerodental.com

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