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Renov 2.0 21.11.2022

"Lo que cuenta no es el número de horas que trabajas, sino la energía que pones en esas horas." Se parte de Renov 2.0

Renov 2.0 21.11.2022

Que tengan una excelente semana.

Renov 2.0 20.11.2022

I posted these photos on my instagram story the other day, but I want to talk about it again because I think it's SO important. Women write to me all the time a...sking how do you get rid of saddle bags, hip dips, cellulite and tuckshop arms and I'm like, WHAT?! I had NO IDEA what some of this stuff even was. Seriously, I literally had to look up what a hip dip was. I had never heard of some of them in my entire life - literally ever. Ladies, this kind of criticism of our bodies where you focus on these tiny little things that you think are imperfections has got to change. In my experience working with women over the last 10 years, it has become clear that most of these terms are inherited from the media and or societies expectation of what a ""good"" body is that has ""no imperfections"". The reality actually is, that these things are not imperfections AT ALL, they are totally normal, it is part of being a human, a woman. You don't need to get rid of ANYTHING on your body. Your femininity and your uniqueness is what makes you beautiful and makes you, YOU! Instead, I want you to focus on adding GOOD things to your body, like a healthy diet, strength and confidence. Once you get into a good fitness routine and you become more confident, you're going to realise that these areas that you worried about do not matter AT ALL. You honestly won't even notice or think about them anymore, I promise. I posted these photos on my Instagram story the other day, but I want to talk about it again because I think it's SO important.

Renov 2.0 20.11.2022

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Teléfono: +52 283 111 7984

Ubicación: jose maria morelos 95670 Rodríguez, Veracruz, Mexico

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