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Remanente Escogido 23.11.2022

Predica el evangelio...

Remanente Escogido 22.11.2022

Y los falsos maestros que falten por agregar...

Remanente Escogido 22.11.2022

I'm thinking about writing a fictional novel called "How elitist Luciferians took over the world." Here's a tentative overview of the chapters: (1) Manufacture ...a crisis and hyperbolize it through propaganda warfare, (2) sensationalize every tragedy that fits the narrative to generate mass hysteria, (3) convince populations and sovereign nation states to defer all their rights to a centralized global Beast, (4) offer monetary incentives in addition to the fearmongering to persuade them, (5) put the global population under perpetual draconian surveillance, (6) censor all dissent, (7) crash the economy until everyone begs for socialism, (8) make way for the insertion of the population-control-kill-switch, (9) subvert Trump, Christianity, and all that American conservatism stands for [A.K.A. the last wave of resistance], (10) usher us all into a new digital era of a technocracy, where everything is controlled by a ruling class elite who hate the Son of Man with all their guts and where everyone's life can be controlled by digital strictures. Then try to use these strictures to relativize, censor, persecute, and obfuscate the church out of existence. Don't forget to make sure the Jesuit Pope and the popular evangelical and Calvinist celebrities are on board with you to help sell your agenda to the stupid sheep who naively march to their slaughter. And hey pastor, be sure to threaten your people with church discipline if they don't have absolute implicit faith in gov't entities who worship demons in secret--disfellowship those who refuse to be mindslaves of the State. Wait a minute. Would that be fiction? Welcome to the 21st century my friend. Woe to you if your soul is not right with King Jesus. He's coming back and His will be the Kingdom forever. #thegatesofhellshallnotprevail

Remanente Escogido 21.11.2022

Votar por un candidato proaborto como Cristiano es confesar que CRISTO no es tu Señor, sino que lo son tus intereses económicos.Votar por un candidato proaborto como Cristiano es confesar que CRISTO no es tu Señor, sino que lo son tus intereses económicos.

Remanente Escogido 20.11.2022

CORONAVIRUS La Iglesia de Cristo no debe entrar jamás en pánico: Porque has puesto a Jehová, que es mi esperanza,Al Altísimo por tu habitación, No te sobrevendr...á mal,Ni plaga tocará tu morada. ~ Salmos 91:9-10 SOLI DEO GLORIA #SendasAntiguasTulancingo


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