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Lobosandia 23.11.2022

Some gameplay footage showing some improvements to camera following and wall jumping mechanic Also if you got a Twitter account i would appreciate if you follow me there, @CuuDev i try to update both this and twitter account but sometimes i update first on twitter

Lobosandia 22.11.2022

RainingCrystals' Webpage got a slight redesign and will be slowly updated with information about its lore, characters and game design, you are invited to check it from time to time if you are interested in its characters and other stuff :D http://rainingcrystals.lobosandia.com

Lobosandia 21.11.2022

Sorry for the lack of updates people! I'm working on this and another project and most of the improvements on this game currently are more of an optimization thingy, still, have this screenshot of a level where i showcase some of the graphical improvements making use of Fog, Outline Shaders and some lighting techniques. Also i have a question for you people, since i can't update a lot about the game itself, but i can post bits about the story, characters and general design s...tuff, would you like me to post about this? (which means i could post more often) See ya later!

Lobosandia 21.11.2022

Happy New Year 2020 from RainingCrystals' development team News about this game and also another project will come soon!Happy New Year 2020 from RainingCrystals' development team News about this game and also another project will come soon!


Web: lobosandia.com.mx

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