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Play Lab Qro 24.11.2022

"Al principio pensaba que la #arquitectura iba a resolver todos los #problemassociales. Yo iba a llegar y lograr una transformar positiva para todo el mundo. Muy rápidamente me di cuenta que eso no era verdad. ¿Cómo podemos hacer que las personas que han habitado por décadas el casco histórico de Panamá, puedan ser parte del progreso en lugar de darles la espalda? La mayoría de las personas viven en edificios refrigerados. Van a trabajar en un carro refrigerado a un trabajo r...efrigerado. Y la vida termina siendo refrigerada. No hay contacto humano. Si queremos realmente hacer una sociedad mejor, tenemos que hablarnos y comunicarnos para construir el cambio. Esto no se da en planos arquitectónicos, en los planos no puedo imaginar la sociedad que quiero." @hildegard.vasquez : salvar el patrimonio sin costes sociales (Panamá) Documental de DW Español #HistoriasLatina

Play Lab Qro 23.11.2022

CHALLENGE #1 // S1. DISCOVERING AND UNCOVERING THE TRUTH WE WILL COLLABORATE. We will build genuinely equal & cooperative relationships between all involved. We will listen to others, with open ears, and open eyes. We will be generous, spotting opportunities to involve and include people. While displaying the compassionate leadership necessary to make important decisions.... (Play Lab principles)

Play Lab Qro 22.11.2022

CHALLENGE #1 // S1. Discovering and uncovering the truth WE WILL SHARE. We will keep relentlessly sharing our tools, methods and processes. Sharing honestly what we think and what we are learning. We will use the internet to make our processes transparent, turning this work into useful material for future students, universities and communities.

Play Lab Qro 22.11.2022

CHALLENGE #1 // S1. Discovering and uncovering the truth WE WILL COLLABORATE. We will build genuinely equal & cooperative relationships between all involved. We will listen to others, with open ears, and open eyes. We will be generous, spotting opportunities to involve and include people. While displaying the compassionate leadership necessary to make important decisions.

Play Lab Qro 22.11.2022

CHALLENGE #1 // S1. Discovering and uncovering the truth WE WILL MAKE CHANGE. We will only create design solutions that the community want and need, and solutions that will make a positive difference to people’s lives. We will be thoughtful about what we are doing, what we are making and how we are making it.


Ubicación: Epigmenio González 76130 Querétaro, Querétaro Arteaga, Mexico

Web: semestrei.itesm.mx

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