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PIN 23.11.2022

We’re ready! #halloween #halloweenparty #costumecontest #eslclass #eslteaching

PIN 22.11.2022

To all my family, friends, and students that I am honored and blessed to have in my life. May this holiday season bring you love to your heart, health to your body, and peace and joy to your home. #thanksgiving #englishteacher #esl #englishlearning

PIN 21.11.2022

Thank you! For helping us bloom and grow

PIN 20.11.2022

Off to a great start #worldteachersday #backtoschool

PIN 20.11.2022

Learning is everywhere #PiN #havingfunwhilelearning #english #esl


Teléfono: +52 782 175 8999

Ubicación: Cuitlahuac Poza Rica, Veracruz, Mexico

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