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Pinecrest International School 23.11.2022

We welcome Dr. Luis Gutierrez, who joins the Pinecrest medical team and will collaborate with the team to safeguard the health of the entire community and continue to implement Safe Environment practices. #BeUnique #BeDifferent #BePinecrest #Pinecrest #International #School #School #Welcome #SchoolCycle #Staff #Team #Mexico #CDMX

Pinecrest International School 23.11.2022

Pinecrest reaches the finals of the Pinion Challenge, which promotes the academic use of technology, while encouraging the development of critical thinking for research. #BeUnique #BeDifferent #BePinecrest

Pinecrest International School 23.11.2022

Today our students were introduced to the new music program which will start next school year. The new teachers introduced themselves and the instruments that will make up our ensemble. Through this music program we intend to teach more than music. It involves the student actively in developing a love for beauty, teamwork, discipline, self control as well as enhancing his creative, emotional and academic skills.... #BeUnique #BeDifferent #BePinecrest

Pinecrest International School 22.11.2022

Preparándonos para un regreso responsable. #Bepinecrest #Beunique #Bedifferent #alwayspinecrest #teamwork Red de Colegios

Pinecrest International School 22.11.2022

We recently inaugurated the Pinecrest Makerspace, a place to detonate the creativity of our students and we brought in a person with great experience, able to collaborate with them and committed to exploiting the full potential of each student. Welcome Mónica! #BeUnique #BeDifferent #BePinecrest

Pinecrest International School 22.11.2022

Distance is not an obstacle for collaborative learning. Our on-site students interact with their online classmates to accomplish their learning tasks. ... #BeUnique #BeDifferent #BePinecrest

Pinecrest International School 22.11.2022

Como parte de su formación académica en la materia de dibujo técnico los alumnos de área III están realizando trabajos a mano alzada que los ayudará en materias universitarias sobre todo a los alumnos que estudiarán algún tipo de ingeniería, arquitectura o diseño. Entre las técnicas que han aprendido encontramos: fachada de corte, fachada general, planos generales, dibujo en perspectiva, polígono estrellado, claroscuro, opart, entre otros. Red de Colegios Semper Altius

Pinecrest International School 22.11.2022

El día de hoy el equipo del grupo de 9C conformado por Santiago Medina, Leo Wanderkoke, Alejandro Suárez y Santiago Acuña aprendieron sobre historia de viva voz del expresidente de México Felipe Calderón. En una entrevista organizada por los alumnos hablaron sobre los programas, logros y obstáculos que se le presentaron durante su gobierno. Una forma muy original de presentar su proyecto de historia y de fomentar el pensamiento crítico y reflexivo Red de Colegios Semper Altius

Pinecrest International School 21.11.2022

Les élèves de 12ème expriment leur gratitude et font leurs adieux au Pinecrest Red de Colegios Semper Altius

Pinecrest International School 21.11.2022

Coronación a la Virgen en prescolar, rezamos un rosario, pedimos especialmente por la familia Osuna y por todas las familias de nuestro colegio. Unidos en oración somos Pinecrest #BePinecrest Red de Colegios Semper Altius


Localidad: Mexico City, Mexico

Teléfono: +52 55 5292 5771

Ubicación: Francisco J Serrano 104 05348 Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico

Web: www.pinecrestmexico.com/

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