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Abraxas Ventures Orax 21.11.2022

Come to work with us! #Abraxas #Frontend #Backend #Developers [email protected]

Abraxas Ventures Orax 20.11.2022

In Abraxas we have a collaborative space in which the different companies that make up us coexist, this helps to promote teamwork in various projects and create synergy among our collaborators.

Abraxas Ventures Orax 20.11.2022

Finding the sweet spot between undersupply and overproduction requires a huge amounts of resources. ORAX strengthens the metabolic system of the world by simplifying and unifying global value chains for everyone.


Teléfono: +52 81 8280 2835

Ubicación: DONATO GUERRA 9 01090 Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico

Web: www.web.orax.io

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