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Olivares de la Sierra 23.11.2022

Did you know that OLIVARES is a great exfoliant for your lips? Often the lips dry out due to the weather, and as a result they suffer from cracking, burning and discomfort. The ideal solution is to apply an exfoliating mask for a couple of days. Prepare it with a spoonful of honey, a tablespoon of sugar and a spoonful of forgetful oil; Then apply it on your lips with soft movements and in a circular shape. Let it act for a few minutes and remove it with cold water.... #VERSATILEASYOU

Olivares de la Sierra 22.11.2022

Regular consumption of olive oil prevents cardiovascular diseases and decreases hypertension, because it increases the levels of good cholesterol and decreases the bad. Thanks to this and many other properties, OLIVARES is endorsed by the Mexican Society of Cardiology. #THANKSOLIVARES

Olivares de la Sierra 21.11.2022

The pruning of the olive. The olive tree, like the rest of the trees, needs and has pruning seasons. There are several kinds of pruning. Installation pruning; One of reform, another pruning of rejuvenation, and a pruning productive and in some cases a total pruning. Also the usual is that you can in the month of September, and always on an annual or bi-annual depending on growth.... When the tree is still young we can give it what is known as the "installation pruning" and that is a first pruning so that the branches and the tree not only take shape, but also for the branches to grow. If the tree is already a few years old, we can give it a pruning of reform or production, pruning that is slight and that mainly will allow us to obtain its fruit without hurting the tree. If the tree is old, it is given a more drastic pruning to rejuvenate the tree, which is known as the aforementioned "pruning rejuvenation". There are different factors to take into account when pruning the olive grove or an olive tree, since we have to know that it is usually done so that we can get the specimen to have a uniform and balanced shape. For this we will eliminate those branches that stand out from the general design. The main branches to eliminate are those that prevent access to the interior of the same, precluding farming tasks such as fumigation or olive picking. In addition, it is also necessary to eliminate those cross-linked branches which close the cup inside the same. The pruning also allows to facilitate the entrance of the sun, necessary for the good growth of the fruits and for an abundant flowering. In this case we must follow the above mentioned to know which branches are the ones that have to be eliminated. #IAMOLIVARES #OLIVOMX

Olivares de la Sierra 21.11.2022

Practice a hobby with your partner. When you coincide with a person not everything has to be the same and everyone can have different tastes and pastimes. Part of knowing yourself is sharing those hobbies together and turning them into unforgettable experiences in the relationship. You like dancing? Riding a bicycle? Run? Do not stop doing what you like and learn to share it with your partner.... #REDISCOVERPLEASURE

Olivares de la Sierra 21.11.2022

Regular consumption of olive oil prevents cardiovascular diseases and decreases hypertension, because it increases the levels of good cholesterol and decreases the bad. Thanks to this and many other properties, OLIVARES is endorsed by the Mexican Society of Cardiology. #THANKSOLIVARES


Teléfono: 5202.0366

Ubicación: Av. de las Palmas 765 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11650 Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico


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