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Oc Muluc A.C. Promotores de la Salud Física y Mental 23.11.2022

Art Tepito un colectivo conformado por artistas oriundos del Barrio Bravo. Agentes de Cambio que demuestran que el lado obscuro de Tepito (las artes y las buenas costumbres) puede ser más influyente y de más impacto en la sociedad, que aquel lado negativo que todos conocen.

Oc Muluc A.C. Promotores de la Salud Física y Mental 23.11.2022

Diego Maradona, anti-imperialist, socialist and arguably the greatest football player of all time passed away at the age of 60. Maradona was a leftist on the f...ootball fields and also in politics. As a football player he tirelessly fought against corruption in the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA), which he compared to a mafia. He struggled to unionize football players and in the late 90s, Maradona, with other prominent stars, formed the International Association of Professional Football Players to defend players' rights. Maradona, also known as "El 10", openly showed his support to left-wing, socialist and progressive movements and governments in the world and specifically in Latin America. He also openly defied imperialism and colonialism and was a firm supporter of the Palestinian cause saying "in my heart I am Palestinian." and "I am a defender of the Palestinian people, I respect them and sympathize with them, I support Palestine without fear". He proudly wore a Che Guevara tattoo on his arm and a Fidel Castro one on his leg. He was a close friend and supporter of Hugo Chavez, Evo Morales and Fidel Castro among other socialist leaders. He once said "I believe in Hugo Chávez. I am Chavista. Everything that he and Fidel do, from my point of view, is the best". As a socialist and anti-imperialist Maradona remained a committed supporter of Venezuela's Bolivarian Revolution and progressive social movements across Latin America, never losing hope in the poor and the oppressed to emancipate themselves. "I am from the left in the sense that I am (...) for the progress of my country, to improve the life of poor people, so that we all have peace and freedom." [...] "We cannot be bought, we are lefties on the feet, we are lefties on the hands, and we are lefties on the mind. That has to be known by the people, that we say the truth, that we want equality, and that we don't want the Yankee flag planted on us." Rest in power, Diego Armando Maradona! (Photos via Reuters and Getty)

Oc Muluc A.C. Promotores de la Salud Física y Mental 23.11.2022

Más historias como las de Elmer Promotores de la Salud Física y Mental AC, en conjunto con Club Atlético Oc Muluc lucharemos para que más historias como las de Elmer se hagan virales. Aportaremos desde nuestra trinchera en la lucha por dignificar y redirigir el que debería ser el verdadero propósito de la Cultura del Deporte, que en palabras del Sociólogo Norbert Elías es "sensibilizar al hombre industrializado" lo que significa en cierto modo, liberarlo del propósito único... de enriquecerse, y más bien enaltecer por medio del Deporte aquello que nos hace humanos. Somos Agentes de Cambio

Oc Muluc A.C. Promotores de la Salud Física y Mental 21.11.2022

Más historias como las de Elmer Promotores de la Salud Física y Mental AC, en conjunto con Club Atlético Oc Muluc lucharemos para que más historias como las de Elmer se hagan virales. Aportaremos desde nuestra trinchera en la lucha por dignificar y redirigir el que debería ser el verdadero propósito de la Cultura del Deporte, que en palabras del Sociólogo Norbert Elías es "sensibilizar al hombre industrializado" lo que significa en cierto modo, liberarlo del propósito único... de enriquecerse, y más bien enaltecer por medio del Deporte aquello que nos hace humanos. Somos Agentes de Cambio

Oc Muluc A.C. Promotores de la Salud Física y Mental 21.11.2022

Clínica de Rehabilitación Por medio de Oc Muluc A.C. Promotores de la Salud Física y Mental Asociación Civil sin fines de lucro que respalda a nuestro Clu...b, los jugadores cuentan con: Seguro de lesiones deportivas Asistencia Psicológica Orientación Nutricional Orientación Pedagógica Servicios abiertos al público a costos accesibles, pide una cita.!! . . Somos Agentes de Cambio

Oc Muluc A.C. Promotores de la Salud Física y Mental 20.11.2022

Diego Maradona, anti-imperialist, socialist and arguably the greatest football player of all time passed away at the age of 60. Maradona was a leftist on the f...ootball fields and also in politics. As a football player he tirelessly fought against corruption in the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA), which he compared to a mafia. He struggled to unionize football players and in the late 90s, Maradona, with other prominent stars, formed the International Association of Professional Football Players to defend players' rights. Maradona, also known as "El 10", openly showed his support to left-wing, socialist and progressive movements and governments in the world and specifically in Latin America. He also openly defied imperialism and colonialism and was a firm supporter of the Palestinian cause saying "in my heart I am Palestinian." and "I am a defender of the Palestinian people, I respect them and sympathize with them, I support Palestine without fear". He proudly wore a Che Guevara tattoo on his arm and a Fidel Castro one on his leg. He was a close friend and supporter of Hugo Chavez, Evo Morales and Fidel Castro among other socialist leaders. He once said "I believe in Hugo Chávez. I am Chavista. Everything that he and Fidel do, from my point of view, is the best". As a socialist and anti-imperialist Maradona remained a committed supporter of Venezuela's Bolivarian Revolution and progressive social movements across Latin America, never losing hope in the poor and the oppressed to emancipate themselves. "I am from the left in the sense that I am (...) for the progress of my country, to improve the life of poor people, so that we all have peace and freedom." [...] "We cannot be bought, we are lefties on the feet, we are lefties on the hands, and we are lefties on the mind. That has to be known by the people, that we say the truth, that we want equality, and that we don't want the Yankee flag planted on us." Rest in power, Diego Armando Maradona! (Photos via Reuters and Getty)


Teléfono: +52 55 2505 2267

Ubicación: TEPITO 06200 Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico

Web: www.ocmuluc.com

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