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Nutrióloga Evelyn Giesbrecht 23.11.2022

Given the progress of the current situation of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the state, your well-being is my priority. That is why I have decided to close my nutrition office temporarily, but it will be a pleasure to serve you via WhatsApp or Facetime video call. I hope to return soon and remember to take care of yourself and others. - - - - - - - - - - - - -... Ante el avance de la situación actual del Coronavirus (COVID-19) en el estado, su bienestar es mi prioridad. Por ello he decidido cerrar el consultorio de manera temporal, pero será un gusto atenderles via videollamada WhatsApp o Facetime. Espero regresar pronto y recuerden cuidarse y cuidar a los demás.

Nutrióloga Evelyn Giesbrecht 22.11.2022

Food is medicine, and the right kind of a relationship with food can make a positive impact on your health. H.H. : Jenny Klassen Photography

Nutrióloga Evelyn Giesbrecht 22.11.2022

A healthy diet is essential for good health and nutrition. The foods you eat have significant effects on your wellbeing and quality of life. Although eating healthy can be fairly simple, the rise of popular internet diets" and dieting trends has caused overall confusion and many myths regarding nutrition. Especially this month of Januar, which is filled with diet talk, and do’s and don’ts in eating with the purpose to promote weight loss or help you achieve a fit body .... Amongst all this bombarding of contradictory information, food restrictions, and specific food rules, it’s normal that you feel lost at what you actually should do. In fact, these trends often distract from the basic nutrition principles that are most important. So what does proper nutrition look like? Contrary to many beliefs, that eating healthily is mainly consuming fruits and vegetables, or cutting out entire food groups (Carbs, dairy or fats) or only eating food in very little quantities; healthy eating is actually eating a broad variety of foods that include all food groups in the right proportions. Only this way we can ensure that we give our body all the nutrients it needs to maintain our health, feel good and have energy. Stay tuned for my mini-series where I’ll be going through the different food groups and explain the essential nutrients and benefits they provide for our health!

Nutrióloga Evelyn Giesbrecht 21.11.2022

New Years is always exciting, because it symbolizes new beginnings. It challenges us, as it offers us a chance to have a fresh new start, to do things right, to improve ourselves, to commit to many new goals and resolutions which many times in the end promises us the concept of a whole new you. Growth and change are fundamental for us human beings, yet the focus we take on this situation is crucial. Many messages or resolutions on New Years promote the idea, that the curren...t way you are right now is not good enough. It’s not slim or fit enough. You need to change to fit in. To be beautiful. To be accepted. And many times people adopt unrealistic resolutions or engage in extreme methods to achieve a goal that is imposed by society. Frequently they approach their new objectives based on self-hate or self-deprecation which in the end leads to unhealthy extremist behaviors, that harms their bodies and their minds. You don’t need to become whole new you, because your worth is not defined by your shape or the number on your scale. What if this year instead we base our resolutions in self-love, self-care and self-compassion? Why don’t we change our mindset and emphasize on becoming the best version of ourselves? Regarding to health: we can focus on nourishing our bodies with wholesome foods and improve our energy, mood and well-being, learn to eat mindfully to enjoy all foods, and move our bodies by finding a sport or physical activity we like. Changing our way of living and eating is a journey, which me must accomplish step by step. Even if the changes are small, they are the steps in the right direction. If you’re interested in embracing a healthier lifestyle by improving your eating habits and feel good in the process, feel free to contact me. May this new year and new decade bring you abundant and joyful health. Happy New Year!

Nutrióloga Evelyn Giesbrecht 21.11.2022

I’m back with in person appointments! Let me help you accomplish your nutrition goals Consultas presenciales disponibles! Déjame ayudarte a cumplir tus metas y objetivos nutricionales

Nutrióloga Evelyn Giesbrecht 21.11.2022

Grilled Chicken Margherita Friday! Perfectly juicy and seasoned grilled chicken, topped with melty oaxaca cheese, creamy almond pesto and baked cherry tomatoes! Served with a side of tricolor quinoa and grilled garlic- asparagus. This dish is exactly what I needed to celebrate these warm spring days, add a burst of flavor to my meals and fuel my body. ... What foods make you feel good and energized?


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