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Nutec Bickley 23.11.2022

We know that a couple of a manufacturer’s main objectives are to optimize its operation and to be a leader in its specialty. There are various software tools that you can rely on to achieve this programs used to, for instance, reduce operating costs and maximize process efficiency. Learn more: https://hubs.li/H0L3skQ0

Nutec Bickley 22.11.2022

The customer for this project based in Quebec, Canada has invested in a strong modernization program and we are extremely pleased to have been chosen as a technology partner. This Aluminum Heat Treating firm is renowned in North America for its customer service and quality. Our advanced furnace technology plays an important part in this company’s process. Read more here: https://hubs.li/H0LPgsK0

Nutec Bickley 22.11.2022

The customer for this project is based on the USA West Coast and is an automotive aluminum parts manufacturer well recognized in North America for the quality of its products. It needed to increase its production capacity and to improve performance, reliability and temperature uniformity. We were proud to be chosen as a key supplier. Read more here: https://hubs.li/H0L3w1w0

Nutec Bickley 20.11.2022

Cada vez estamos más expuestos a situaciones climáticas extremas como bien pudimos notarlo durante el mes de febrero 2021, cuando las temperaturas heladas interrumpieron el suministro de gas para las centrales eléctricas en gran parte del norte de México y sur de EUA. Los hornos industriales están diseñados para operar con un combustible determinado, en el cual en algunos casos es gas natural. Existen 2 opciones para prepararte ante esta posible problemática para seguir operando como siempre y prevenir paros operativos. Más información: https://hubs.li/H0KDstf0

Nutec Bickley 20.11.2022

A German furnace company subcontracted us to handle the needs of one of its American clients on a project involving the fabrication and installation of 20 pyrolysis furnaces. The end user in the USA for whom we manufactured this equipment is a company dedicated to the recycling of automotive tires. Read more here: https://hubs.li/H0MxBnn0


Teléfono: +52 81 8151 0800

Ubicación: Carretera Monterrey-Saltillo 66359 Santa Catarina, Nuevo León, Mexico

Web: www.nutecbickley.com

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