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Novahubcenter 23.11.2022

How #smartcity can bring more #sustainability to our society after #COVID-19? #socialdistance #technology #startup

Novahubcenter 20.11.2022

Internet of Things is immune to #COVID-19 ? #technology #IOT #Healthtech

Novahubcenter 20.11.2022

#Greentech & #healthtech : The next #innovation #investment #startups #technology

Novahubcenter 20.11.2022

#Coronavirus : What is the rescue plan for #startups ? #innovation #match #fundraisings2020 #corporates

Novahubcenter 20.11.2022

5 startups that will make the difference against COVID-19 #startups #innovation #coronavirus #edtech #healthtech #biotech


Teléfono: +52 1 55 4297 2242

Web: www.novahubcenter.com

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