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nenemi.com 24.11.2022

Famed as the birthplace of Mexico’s national drink, the town of Tequila has recently enjoyed an explosion of tourism as visitors come to explore its historic distilleries and cantinas. Just an hour from Guadalajara, the town was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2006. www.nenemi.com/cities/Guadalajara

nenemi.com 22.11.2022

#Discovernenemi Four Seasons Hotel Mexico City is an hacienda-style hotel that seems to pause the hustle and bustle of the capital of this country!

nenemi.com 22.11.2022

#MondayFact According to a source, the Great Pyramid of Cholula in Mexico is the world’s third-largest pyramid.

nenemi.com 22.11.2022

#MondayFact Mexico City has the largest taxi cab fleet in the world. They have over 100,000 taxis running every day.

nenemi.com 21.11.2022

Can Mexico City be more amazing? The food, the streets, the art, the people, and the history! Every step you take will lead you to an incredible place in time. Check out our best sellers tours: www.nenemi.com/cities/mexico-city/


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