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Stef nails 22.11.2022

In Ancient China, they tried to grow their nails. And not in the modern sense, but up to 25 cm (where there is a modern build-up)! This was considered a sure way to protect yourself from evil forces. Those who could not reach the "standard" length (because the nails simply broke), put pointed metal tips on their fingers. In the Middle ages, manicure, on the contrary, was associated with evil spirits. It got to the point that the Inquisition declared this procedure sinful. But after a while, everything changed and well-groomed nails again became one of the essential attributes of the appearance of noble persons.

Stef nails 21.11.2022

How do you feel about such nails?

Stef nails 21.11.2022

The nails were cared for thousands of years ago. It is known that the most ancient manicure set was discovered by archaeologists on the territory of Ancient Babylon (modern territory of Iraq). However, there was hardly an orange stick and a buff.

Stef nails 21.11.2022

In Ancient Greece and Rome, there was a special category of slaves slaves. They helped people of noble birth to take care of themselves. In particular, they polished their nails using a special composition with animal fat. The prototype of modern nail polishes appeared in the ancient Chinese civilization. It was a paint made from crushed minerals, wax, egg yolks, and gum Arabic. There is also information that gold dust was used to decorate the nails.

Stef nails 20.11.2022

There is another nail invention, which appeared thanks to the dentist: in 1955, a dentist named Frederick slack decided to" repair " a broken nail with acrylic (it is used by dentists). Soon this material was used to create an acrylic manicure.


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