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Movimiento Independentista de BC 23.11.2022

Una razón más para la independencia de la península de Baja California

Movimiento Independentista de BC 22.11.2022

Hacemos un atento llamado a todas las #mujeres a NO votar por #morena en estas elecciones; ya que sus liderazgos nada tienen que ver con Regeneración Moral; mas bien representan una DEGENERACIÓN MORAL. #feministas https://www.proceso.com.mx//difunden-video-de-david-monrea

Movimiento Independentista de BC 22.11.2022

YES California recognizes that we Californians have a common origin with the rest of the Baja peninsula. For a very long time all of Baja and current day California were one nation ...independent from Mexico and America from 1836 to 1846 or as long as Texas was the fabled independent nation that Texans to this day still universally refer to with pride. For longer than we have been divided governments we were historically a single people and with a universal culture that appre...ciated and abounded with diversity far beyond the levels found in the rest of Mexico or America. Today this difference in culture between Baja and the rest of Mexico and California and the rest of America is still as strong as it was over a century before. Both of our regions are still culturally distinct from our captor nations. YES California salutes the inhabitants of the Baja California peninsula and we say YES to reunification between California and Baja California ... but this must be done in a way that results in the full buy-in of the majority of both of our peoples ... so any reunification will be durable. In order to do this and to secure a peaceful transition to independence we must go through an orderly process of negotiation between our governors after our regions have held a successful vote for independence from Mexico held in Baja and a vote for independence from America in California. Our governors between both regions of Baja and California have meet recently and have ALREADY established friendly working relations and international law demands that successful votes are held fist proving the will of the people. Therefore we at YesCA feel this to be the most appropriate and also realistic path toward a Gran unified California that can last. YesCa will encourage our governors to meet immediately once that vote is held to begin negotiations for the largest reunification the world has seen since East Germany merged with the west Germany. which will create the most prosperous region of the entire Pacific Rim. We are one California. Our origin comes from the old California. Our destiny is an independent California. We come from the same roots and we are united by history and today, we are ready to unify into a great nation that will bring welfare and good government to all families as never before.

Movimiento Independentista de BC 21.11.2022

La 4T en peligro de extinción; si gana morena; marina no va a ser la gobernadora; Carlos Torres será el Gobernador; representante de la derecha mezquina en Baja California

Movimiento Independentista de BC 21.11.2022

Es evidente que la 4T no ha pasado por JFCA ya que impera la corrupción y persisten funcionarios de administraciones pasadas que han estado y siguen estando al servicio de grupos empresariales

Movimiento Independentista de BC 20.11.2022

De acuerdo al informe 2020 de la CEPAL, México es de los peores países en apoyos de emergencia. Esta es la razón del crecimiento del desempleo y aumento de la pobreza. Pésima estrategia.


Teléfono: +52 664 262 3768

Ubicación: Blvd. Agua Caliente #2350 22000 Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico

Web: www.independenciabc.org

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