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MKTcluster 23.11.2022

All together now: the most trustworthy covid-19 model is an ensembleEarlier this spring, a paper studying covid forecasting appeared on the medRxiv preprint server with an authors’ list running 256 names long. At the end of the list was Nicholas Reich, a biostatistician and infectious-disease researcher at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. The paper reported results of a massive modeling project that Reich has co-led,

MKTcluster 23.11.2022

SAP steps back from S/4HANA-on-Azure preferenceMicrosoft Azure’s preferred status for hosting S/4HANA appears to be coming to an end. SAP, which has been recommending pairing its ERP suite with Azure as part of a deal it struck with Microsoft, will now encourage customers to host S/4HANA wherever they want. According to SAP, the companies’ Embrace partnership will now refocus on customer choice. At the same time, SAP is pushing a new way to pay for its software: a subscription-based, hosted offering that it calls Rise with SAP , which will be in the spotlight at its Sapphire Now 2021 customer event in June. To read this article in full, please click here

MKTcluster 22.11.2022

How to accelerate the world into the 5G eraDemand for 5G smartphones is reaching an all-time high In 2021, consumers and institutions alike are fast-tracking a digital revolution in an unprecedented era of social distancing and remote worka trend that may continue long after the pandemic subsides. The time is ripe for many commercialized products and services to ride the wave of unparalleled

MKTcluster 22.11.2022

BrandPost: Ready for What’s Next: Data Analytics as a ServiceData analytics is now a strategic priority for all sizes of organizations across all industries. Yet deploying and managing analytics workloads can be a complex and time-intensive undertaking that requires extensive hardware and software integration and testing. To overcome these barriers and remove complexity and upfront technology costs, many IT organizations are looking to Analytics as a Service (AaaS) solutions.... These offerings help data scientists, developers and business users get their analytics applications up and running quickly, while avoiding the costs and time-drain that comes with building a solution from scratch. In these deployments, the analytics applications and the huge datasets that come with them sit at the top of a solution stack that rests on a cloud foundation. To read this article in full, please click here

MKTcluster 21.11.2022

CIO Think Tank Roadmap Report: Reinventing ITIn March and April 2021, CIO held a series of CIO Think Tank discussionsvirtual roundtables that brought together 36 IT leaders to unpack one of the most important issues in the enterprise today: IT reinvention. These discussions aimed to identify key issues in reinventing IT to meet today’s rapidly evolving business requirements, and offer a roadmap for IT leadership to overcome practical obstacles. The roundtables were facilitated by John Gallant, Enterprise Consulting Director for IDG, and also included IDC Research Director Joe Pucciarelli, Group VP & IT Executive Advisor, IDC; IDG B2B Editor-in-Chief Eric Knorr; and BMC Software Chief Technical Officer Ram Chakravarti. To read this article in full, please click here

MKTcluster 21.11.2022

India is grappling with covid griefSpring 2021 in India has been horrific and frightening: ambulances wail constantly, funeral pyres are alight 24 hours a day, seemingly endless body bags stack up, and grief hangs heavy in the air. A year ago, it looked as if India might have escaped the worst of the coronavirus. While the Western world was struggling,


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