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Ministry of The Revivist International 23.11.2022

To Each His Own: (April 30, 2015) To those called, chosen, being brought up in ministry, those He desires to use mightily. To Each His/Her faith is being trie...d, revealed. What you will come to know, is if the house is built on The Rock, or sinking sand. If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with the horses ? And if in the land of peace, wherein thou trustedst, they wearied thee, then how will thou do in the swelling of Jordan? To each is his/her own weakness that is being pinitrated, allowed to be touched, pierced, brought to light, that you may see, identify, and overcome. That nothing can get passed, let through, to hinder, stop, or interfear, with what The Lord has purposed just for you in His kingdom. Those that remain, standing fast, overcome, not in your own strength , but His, will see the supernatural begin to be manifested in you and through you. So if you are wondering why, why you have been bombarded in any area of your life, know this. As He did with Job, He has done this with you, Said, "Have you considered my servant, ______,(your name)? but you can't take his/her life!(Jesus is the Life)! To each His own whatever that may be, His mighty Sons of God, led by the Spirit of God, walking IN His overcoming power, or those who will retreat, turn and run, which one will you be? This has been stirring within me for the last few days!! It's like a great divide taking place in the body. The Lord has caused it! You will begin to see many you know fall away, fall into the background and others, you never heard of come forward to the forefront. You will begin to see supernatural finances appear for the kingdom, the righteous will be blessed by the wicked, a running to hear and receive. The USA being stripped of power. Politicians being exposed and brought down and out of the race. Many hands stretching forth to give and not even knowing why. Great names once spoken will no longer be heard. Great earthquakes taking place in the most unlikely places, many for the first time. Those that remain strong in Him will be called to relocate, and move about freely to do great exploits In Him. There will be no financial barrier for their lives. Many that have stood on promises for years will begin to see them manifested in a powerful way and begin to check them off their lists. Many will travel to countries they have never been in and no border will stop them. They will go with Devine intervention and favor. It's like the parting of the Red Sea for this generation, everything that was in the way of your walk and destiny is being moved out of the way. To Each His Own! Brought this word forth April 30, 2015 Prophet Diana Rebollar

Ministry of The Revivist International 23.11.2022

Spreading His love at the orphanage today...the Word, Pizza, and spaghetti...even hugs!

Ministry of The Revivist International 22.11.2022

This was such a special day! We drove 5 hours to pray for a Pastors Mom who was bedridden. Sixty one years old and laying in a hammock hanging in a bedroom. In so much back pain you could hear her groan. We prayed, she got up healed and walked us all the way out to the car to see us off again. Luke 9:2 And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick. While there we visited this underground spring that was almost dried up. What a joyful day this was In Jesus!

Ministry of The Revivist International 21.11.2022

Another night of His Glory! Many miracles, healing, deliverance, prophecy flowed....the Word of God was preached and it was received with gladness. Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus!

Ministry of The Revivist International 21.11.2022

The other side of ministry! Please pray..we are an hour away from home.

Ministry of The Revivist International 20.11.2022

Spreading His love at the orphanage today...the Word, Pizza, and spaghetti...even hugs!


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