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Migraine Cures 23.11.2022

Are your migraines sometimes driving you to despair? Is the pain is so intense that you can see no end to it, that it will never go away? The pain is causing you to delude yourself. You KNOW that the pain will go away - never as quickly as you would like (instantly!), but the reality is that every migraine you ever had ended at some point. The FACT is that the more you ACT toward pain relief, the more you condition yourself to healthier living and making every day a spa day - eating light, healthy meals, getting enough sleep, practicing relaxation therapies. All those actions will serve to delay the onset of an attack and/or increase your pain relief.

Migraine Cures 22.11.2022

Working toward pain relief needs to be a daily practice like brushing your teeth. It would be unthinkable for you not to look after a daily hygiene routine. Adopting pain relief practices needs to be as vital for you every day. Allow others to do some of your research for you. When you suffer from migraines, it saps not only your energy, but perhaps some of your mental acuity. The Facebook page Therapy In A Nutshell Is just one site offering a list of practical stress and anxiety reduction daily habits which you might find useful in your journey toward pain relief. Try Daily Habits to Reduce Stress and Anxiety, see what appeals to you most and integrate the technique in your daily routine.

Migraine Cures 22.11.2022

Set your mind on pain relief. At the end of the day, as you sip a cup of a relaxing herbal tea, take out your notebook where you record your daily pain relief strategies, and answer the question: What have I done for myself toward pain relief today?. Don’t exhaust yourself: limit to your list to no more than a half dozen items, even if you did way more. It can be as simple as remembering to pause and breathe in and out deeply a few times. It can be as luxurious as spendin...g a couple of hours being pampered at a spa. But remind yourself what effort you have made towards relaxation, simplifying and healthier living, trying a new pain relief strategy that your research has introduced to you. You are on a path to changing the chemistry in your brain to releasing endorphins and other well-being generating hormones that will course through your bloodstream, replacing stress hormones. Even if you have to do it through a clenched jaw because it hasn’t been the best of days or because perhaps you are feeling an attack coming on. You have done the best you can today, and you deserve to reward yourself with praise. Go back over your notebook with the passage of time, and realize just how much you are doing.

Migraine Cures 20.11.2022

Every time you shampoo your hair is an opportunity to cover several techniques to strengthen your immune system, foster feelings of relaxation and help you resist pain better. While you are under a warm shower, which will flow over your body, and relax the rest of your muscles, take your time massaging your scalp, working the shampoo everywhere, drawing small circles and lines with the tips of your fingers, thereby stimulating a series of acupuncture points on several meridians. You are also relaxing the tissues in your forehead, scalp and nape of the neck, thereby releasing any tension in that most sensitive area of your body. Remember to breathe regularly as you are doing that, multiplying all those benefits.

Migraine Cures 20.11.2022

What usually happens when you come face to face with a negative emotional stressor? I’ll bet you tense up. Then you have to become conscious of that, and go through the work of relaxing, in order to avoid unhealthy effects on your body. Here’s a suggestion for learning a different reaction: when something unpleasant confronts you, for example, at work or in your personal life, pause momentarily, determinedly take slow deep breaths, and lower your shoulders. At first glance, ...reacting this way makes no sense when you are confronted with something unpleasant, you need to raise your hackles and defend your position! Purposely relaxing will leave you more energy for your emotional and intellectual defense. At the very least, it will prevent your body from tensing up, and adding to the slow buildup of tension that for the moment, still results in a migraine in your case. Keep multiplying the moments when you relax your body - remember, you are adding to your relaxation savings account.


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