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Merida Expat Services 23.11.2022

Now that Yucatan State is in yellow, hopefully people will be able to move around and do day trips, still minding the distancing and mask protocols though.

Merida Expat Services 23.11.2022

Still appears to be a lot of speculation and confusion around vehicle plate renewal and Tarjetas....this page has been updated with info..scroll down and click on "paga y cita"...has a vehicle icon...go to that page and use your Google translate to read your options...http://www.yucatan.gob.mx/

Merida Expat Services 22.11.2022

For those of you who rely on the bus in Centro or live in Centro, newly released map and info showing where the new routes and stops are...lots of other interesting info on this page... http://www.merida.gob.mx//si/transporte/php/paraderos.phpx

Merida Expat Services 22.11.2022

Yucatan State Symbols and the National Anthem The flag, the Anthem and the shield of Yucatan State Yucatan has emblems that are part of its history and identity, do you know them? Like all states in Mexico, Yucatán has a coat of arms, it also has its own anthem and a flag that since its creation was used as a reason for Yucatecan pride. ...Continue reading

Merida Expat Services 22.11.2022

A great article on the many spices here for cooking, with pictures and uses...Enjoy! :)

Merida Expat Services 22.11.2022

The Governor of Yucatan, Mauricio Vila, announced new restriction lifts as of Thursday, May 13th. "The governor of Yucatán, Mauricio Vila , announced that as of Thursday, May 13, the restriction on vehicular mobility will be eliminated every day of the week . This, due to the favorable conditions that the state maintains with respect to the Covid-19 pandemic.... After remembering that Yucatán is in the Yellow Traffic Light , since April 22 , the state president announced 6 new measures to continue with the gradual and staggered opening of the economy , which will come into effect from Thursday, May 13. "The future of our state is counting on these changes to the restrictions to be taken with maturity and responsibility, for which I ask you to continue to be very strict in personal care and hygiene measures since we cannot lower our guard against the pandemic because we are still it continues and will continue to be present, he said during a video message. Mauricio Vila announced that as of May 13, the restriction on vehicular mobility for the entire week will be eliminated. While all economic activities that are currently allowed may operate without restriction of hours , except restaurants that may operate until 12 at night. Similarly, the capacity of religious centers will be increased to 70 percent ; the capacity of up to eight people for boats less than 40 feet; and for those older than this size it is increased to 10 people. 40 percent capacity will also be allowed for professional sporting events in open spaces ; lastly, those under 15 years of age will be able to carry out artistic and sports activities under the capacity and days currently allowed. " These changes do not imply that tomorrow we will not be able to return to orange or red if the conditions in the health indicators change, closing economic activities again with the aim of taking care of the health of each and everyone, " he warned. The governor of Yucatán affirmed that there is good progress in the vaccination process in the state, but many people have yet to be inoculated. " For this reason we are working hand in hand with the three orders of government, so I also ask you to be attentive to the official announcements regarding the new stages of vaccination that will be carried out ." Let us comply with the measures with responsibility since even with the vaccine, people can become infected and infect those who have not yet received a dose. For this reason, prevention measures such as the use of face masks and healthy distance will continue to be mandatory since only in this way will we avoid putting the lives of Yucatecans at risk ." he said."

Merida Expat Services 22.11.2022

This is also a link for those of you wanting to study for your Yucatan Driver's Licence....use your translator...all the signs and explanations....http://www.merida.gob.mx//s/transporte/php/senaletica.phpx

Merida Expat Services 22.11.2022

Did you know that some chilis have a different name after they are dried? Also, they are used differently in dishes, fresh or dried...check out this link to get to know your chilis better!! https://www.thespruceeats.com/guide-to-dried-chiles-2215964

Merida Expat Services 22.11.2022

**JUST RELEASED** There will be no Ley Seca...Governor has cancelled...he asks that no fiestas or public gatherings for the long weekend please. :) https://www.yucatan.com.mx//no-aplicaran-ley-seca-por-las-

Merida Expat Services 22.11.2022

This is a number where you may receive information from the Yucatan Health Division regarding COVID issues....Spanish, ENGLISH and Mayan Contact Exclusive line 800 YUCATAN 800 982 2826... AVAILABLE IN SPANISH, MAYAN AND ENGLISH 800 00 44 800 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ATTENTION LINE For more information, consult the Ministry of Health

Merida Expat Services 22.11.2022

This is a number where you may receive information from the Yucatan Health Division regarding COVID issues....Spanish, ENGLISH and Mayan Contact Exclusive line 800 YUCATAN 800 982 2826... AVAILABLE IN SPANISH, MAYAN AND ENGLISH 800 00 44 800 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ATTENTION LINE For more information, consult the Ministry of Health

Merida Expat Services 21.11.2022

Please note.... The vaccine given will be the AstraZenica...the month of your birth will be used as the date you need to show up...you will require your CURP number...if you do not have a CURP card, go to this link and print it out...your CURP number is on the front of your resident card. Please realize that 90% of Nationals do not have a clue what paperwork or cards a Foreign resident holds. Most think all have an INE card. To guarantee your shot, we suggest print your CURP card, take your resident card and a CFE bill to your appointment. Put your middle name in the "Primer apellido"....if that does not work then swap your middle name and last name. https://www.gob.mx/curp/

Merida Expat Services 21.11.2022

Mexican Independence Day is celebrated every September 16. "The Mexican Independence war begun on September 16, 1810 and ended on September 27, 1821. La guerra de Independencia comenzó el 16 de Septiembre de 1810 y concluyó el 27 de Septiembre de 1821. The Mexican Independence War sought to gain autonomy from Spanish Rule. El objetivo de la guerra de Independencia de Mexico fue la liberación del yugo Español.... Mexico was conquered by the Spaniards in 1521. The colonial period went from 1521 to 1821. Mexico fue conquistado por los Españoles en 1521 y la época colonial duro hasta 1821. The Shout of Dolores, or El Grito, by father Miguel Hidalgo symbolized the beginning of the independence war. El Grito de Independencia simboliza y marca el inicio del movimiento de Independencia. The Shout of Dolores by given by Father Miguel Hidalgo in what now is known as Dolores in the State of Guanajuato. El Grito de Independencia fue dado por Don Miguel Hidalgo, en lo que es hoy el Estado de Guanajuato. Father Miguel Hidalgo, a Catholic Priest, is known as the Father of the Mexican Nation. Don Miguel Hidalgo es reconocido como el Padre de la Nación Mexicana. The first independent government in Mexico was that of Agustin de Iturbide. He was named Constitutional Emperor of Mexico. The Mexican Empire was short lived. 1821-1823 El primer gobierno independiente en Mexico fue el de Agustin de Iturbide y fue llamado el Imperio Mexicano que duro muy poco. 1821-1823 The first elected Mexican President was Guadalupe Victoria whose presidency went from 1824 to 1829. El primer presidente electo de Mexico fue Guadalupe Victoria 1824-1829"

Merida Expat Services 21.11.2022

Fabulous article on an ancient Maya ruin few know about here...not far from Merida...plan a day trip or overnight and stay in Campeche....

Merida Expat Services 21.11.2022

We have searched for the link to print out a digital copy for your vehicle's expired plates and Tarjeta de Circulacion as was noted by the Yucatan government so vehicles could travel out of the state........came up with nothing...anyways, you may translate this page to English so you can read but maybe take a photo and keep on your phone if you are going to travel ...also, they will be doing registrations but you must make an appointment first on this page before you take in your paperwork and vehicle to the Modulo. Please read the instructions carefully. Gracias...https://reemplacamiento.yucatan.gob.mx/

Merida Expat Services 21.11.2022

Here is an article I am posting about renewing American passports...we probably get 15 requests a week regarding American passport renewals....most we cannot help...a small percentage we can...https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/06/travel/covid-travel.html

Merida Expat Services 21.11.2022

Did you know that #QuintanaRoo has one of the oldest churches in America? Hidden at one end of the territory that can only be reached by boat, is Boca Iglesia. Here, the conqueror Francisco Hernández de Córdoba reached the peninsula and beheld the first Mayan community found by a Spanish landing party in 1517. He, for some reason, called it Greater Cairo, but in reality it is the old site of Ecab, which was partially demolished to build what is thought to be among the first churches built on the continent. It was abandoned in 1644 and today the church and the rectory are in ruins. The structures have survived centuries of hurricanes, but are rapidly approaching a more precarious state of disrepair. The National Institute of Anthropology and History is already working on its conservation.

Merida Expat Services 20.11.2022

Reopening of our beautiful State and all it has to offer....

Merida Expat Services 20.11.2022

Belize land borders are now open as of May 31, 2021 for tourism. Foreign tourists only may enter via the northern and western land borders for recreation and vacation purposes only. Tourists will be able to enter Belize from Chetumal, Mexico, and from Peten, Guatemala. MUST be visiting for vacation. MUST have proof of negative test (regardless of vaccination) MUST stay at Gold Standard accommodatons. MUST use Gold Standard transportation.... Exit from Belize land borders remains open as always. A border exit fee of $40 bzd is payable to exit land borders. The San Pedro and Punta Gorda seaports will also open soon for foreign tourists, but a date has not been finalized. Testing Requirement: Foreign tourists entering via land borders must have proof of a negative Covid-19 test result (PCR test within 72 hours, or Rapid Antigen test within 24 hours), even if you are vaccinated. https://belizing.com/coronavirus/

Merida Expat Services 20.11.2022

In-person licensing procedures resume in Yucatán They will be carried out by appointment and maintaining health protocols The new driver's license process will resume on September 17 at the Yucatán Service Center (CSY) located in the Xcumpich neighborhood, it can only be done by appointment by dialing the call center number 9994-00-04-80 this in order to avoid crowds and maintain a healthy distance. The opening hours will be from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Appoint...ments will be limited to a number of 100 people a day since, for the aforementioned procedure, the health security protocols will be applied on the furniture and equipment with which the applicants have contact, as reported by the Ministry of Public Security and the Agency of Fiscal Administration of Yucatán. Regarding the renewal and duplicate licenses of motorist, driver, motorcyclist, and for motorists and motorcyclists with disabilities, it is remembered that these procedures can be carried out and paid for online and later, after four business days of payment, the citizen may go to the CSY to collect your license. In the event that the application indicates that it is not possible to carry out the process, you will have to make an appointment to go to the module meeting the requirements. Due to the pandemic, the online driver's license can now be renewed or duplicated for two, three and five years; In addition, it can also be renewed up to 365 days past due. As for the license discounts for housewives, unemployed, students and retirees, they can do the respective procedures at the Ministry of Public Security Km. 45 Periférico Poniente, Cadastral Plan 12648, Polígono-Caucel-Susulá. For more information on the procedure, requirements and costs, visit www.yucatan.gob.mx in the procedures and services section. Edition: Ana Ordaz

Merida Expat Services 20.11.2022

CAN YOU GET A FLU SHOT IN MERIDA? We are seeing this question in our message box a lot lately...this just released yesterday...to answer those many questions.... "Nationwide flu shots begin October 1; 35 million doses available Vaccination off to an early start this year due to the coronavirus... Flu vaccinations will begin October 1 for the general public, Deputy Health Minister Hugo López-Gatell announced Monday, whereas the campaign to vaccinate medical personnel is already underway. He said the Ministry of Health has purchased 35 million doses of this year’s vaccine and distribution to the states has begun. The flu shot campaign will kick off with a vaccination station and ceremony at the National Palace in October. The Health Ministry’s goal is to administer all doses of the vaccine by December 31 in order to help the population build up immunity to the flu by the peak months of January and February. Health officials are wary of the dangers of battling a flu epidemic at the same time as the coronavirus pandemic. Flu symptoms are often similar to that of the coronavirus fever, cough, body aches and fatigue and distinguishing between the two will likely be a challenge for medical personnel. In addition, people with flu-like symptoms might not seek medical help, and the possibility that a patient could be infected with the flu and the coronavirus at the same time could severely tax healthcare providers. When influenza comes, which is undoubtedly going to happen, we could have an exacerbation and it could be that we need new restrictive measures. That is why we must manage the risk, reducing as much as possible the contagions, Hugo López-Gatell said on Saturday. The vaccine is obtained after the World Health Organization conducts technical consultations with specialized centers around the world to predict which are the new strains most likely to spread during the next influenza season. Approximately 40% of those vaccinated will become immune to the flu virus. López-Gatell specified that all states will receive the necessary doses and if they do not have them already it is because distribution has been based on the states’ cold storage capacities. Priority will be given to pregnant women, children, people over the age of 60 and those who have chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, respiratory illness, heart disease, immunosuppression disorders, cancer, or HIV, López-Gatell said. In the past, vaccinations began at the end of October. Last year they were moved to the middle of the month but this year the campaign will get an even earlier start. The number of vaccine doses available this year is also much higher than in previous years. Last year 31.2 million doses were applied for the H1N1 swine flu. This year a total of 35.3 million will be applied. Flu vaccines have been available free of charge in Mexico since 2017."


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