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Mexico Cave Exploration Project 23.11.2022

Great 2 weeks of exploration in Ox Bel Ha for CINDAQ & MCEP divers. Some exploration of course, some underwater and top side filming and interviews, and some more photogrammetry work. Project continues this week with further planned exploration in and around cenote Exodus and Cenote Rivendell. Too much fun really!

Mexico Cave Exploration Project 21.11.2022

Broken car, cell phone on a stick, jaguar paw prints, and finally locating Cenote Box from the top. CINDAQ and MCEP cave jungle adventures. What a week!

Mexico Cave Exploration Project 20.11.2022

Getting things done for CINDAQ and MCEP divers this week. Lots of cave resurvey around Cenote Exodus and Cenote Rivendell in the Ox Bel Ha cave system. The process of resurvey ( last dives for the team were there in 2003 & 2011 ) allows us to explore by making more intelligent decisions based on the most precise and updated data for the cave. The ratio of resurveyed old line to new exploration is 2:1. Thank you Mnemo survey tool really! :-) Also, great keeping up with documenting the cave, and some more photogrammetry. The refurbished HMI with Lithium packs were back in action too!

Mexico Cave Exploration Project 20.11.2022

CINDAQ and MCEP in the Ox Bel Ha Cave System. Another productive week of cave exploration in Ox Bel Ha historic section in and around Cenote Albarado and Cenote Bo’x Ha (Maya for black water). Every day, a lot of survey notes, and accurate data to export and plot in to Arc GIS. Some removal and replacement of well stained DM from our earlier exploration efforts back in 2008 and 2011 too. The adventure continues this week just south of Cenote Gea.

Mexico Cave Exploration Project 20.11.2022

-October exploration continues in the Ox Bel Ha Cave system for CINDAQ & MCEP divers in and around cenotes not visited in... well... nearly 15 years. Ox Bel Ha was named by GEO (Grupo de Exploración Ox Bel Ha) in 1998 after the connection between Sistema Esmeralda and Sistema Del Mar. Ox Bel Ha is Maya for Three Path of Water. It was named after the 3 direct vents connecting the cave to the Caribbean Sea.


Web: www.mcep.org.mx

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