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" MASTERS" 24.11.2022

Queridos Amig@s! Les informamos que el día de mañana el horario de servicio será de 7am a 1pm y de 4pm a 10pm Los esperemos con el gusto de siempre!

" MASTERS" 23.11.2022

Here’s a quick session to add some extra workload onto your SHOULDERS + BICEPS Most of my sessions revolve around heavy compound movements as the primary .. but this workout only consisted of lighter isolation work These sorts of sessions can be effective to bring up a lagging muscle as they help increase your total weekly volume (simply add it on at the end of the week after your regular workouts) SAVE this post and try this workout for yourself or create something similar for the specific muscle groups that you want to develop 1 Single Arm Cable Lateral Raise 4x10ea Superset with Single Arm Cable Bicep Curl 4x10ea 2 EZ Bar Front Raise 4x12 Superset with EZ Bar Curl 4x12 3 Cable Reverse Fly 4x15 Superset with Cable Overhead Curls 4x15 SONG Sugar Fish by Ollie Joseph

" MASTERS" 23.11.2022

These women are all the gym motivation you need! Credit: Stephanie Sanzo / Hattie Boydle Performance Coach / Ruba Ali / Michelle Lewin / Diana Ruiz / Elise'...s Body Shop / Ainsley Rodriguez IG: @stephfitmum / @teaganmariefit / @hattieboydle / @realrubaali / @michelle_lewin / @dianaruizfit / @elisesbodyshop / @hardcoreainsley

" MASTERS" 22.11.2022

Here’s a workout to target your CHEST + SHOULDERS 1. Chest Press 20,15,10,20 2. Seated Dumbbell Press 10,8,5,10 3. Cable Lateral Raise 4x10... 4a. Cable Chest Fly 4x15 4b. Cable Reverse Fly 4x15 5. Side Lying Dumbbell Lateral Raise 4x20 Looking for more workouts like this and some motivation to kickstart 2022 ?? Join us in the 6 Week Sweat Challenge !! We’ve nearly completed our first week so it’s not to late to jump on board if you’re interested You can train in the gym (using my BUILD Program) or at home (using my LIFTING at Home Program) Click the link below to download the Sweat App and register now SONG A.N.C by Sycosis

" MASTERS" 22.11.2022

Exercises for sculpted upper body Credit: Stephanie Sanzo IG: @stephfitmum

" MASTERS" 21.11.2022

This was 160kg / 352lb (three times my body weight) for 4 reps I’ve only ever been able to do 3 reps with this weight in the past !! It might only be extra rep but that’s a huge win for me Progress never happens quickly when it comes to weight training so it’s important to celebrate your WINS (no matter how small) #sumodeadlift #powerlifters #deadliftday See more

" MASTERS" 21.11.2022

Que se haga costumbre el abrazar, el consentir y el festejar a nuestra mama, que se haga costumbre el recordarle cuanto la amamos y el que tan importante es para nosotros, dejemos aun lado el solo usar este día y que solo sea por tradición, dejemos de lado la rutina y hagamos que los momentos espontáneos sean los mejores y los más inolvidables ¡Felicidades a todas sus mamas, porque mama solo hay una! #Masters

" MASTERS" 21.11.2022

Here’s an workout to target your SHOULDER + CHEST + TRICEPS These muscle groups are the main muscles involved in any form of pushing exercise So it can be... useful to pair various pushing exercises in the same workout to really overload and grow these muscles Here’s an example of what a full Push Day may look like: 1. Seated DB Press 4x10 2. Bench Press 10,8,5,10 3. Seated Dips 4x10 4a. Incline Champagne Press 4x15 4b. Cable Reverse Fly 4x15 5a. Single Arm Cable Cross Body Pushdown 4x20ea 5b. Single Arm Cable Lateral Raise 4x20ea SONG Threat by WEARETHEGOOD

" MASTERS" 21.11.2022

Here’s a workout to build your GLUTES !! One thing you may have noticed about my training sessions is that they’re all usually very simple / basic This is ...mainly because the basics WORK You don’t need super complex exercises or equipment to get great results When in doubt - just aim to hit your muscles from a variety of different angles and gradually apply overload over time My programs BUILD, LIFTING at Home & Strength and Resistance all follow this philosophy Here’s a workout with some examples of how you could change the exercises depending on the equipment you have available 1 Cable (or Dumbbell) Step Ups 4x10ea Superset with Cable (or Banded) Donkey Kickbacks 4x20ea 2 Machine (or Barbell) Hip Thrust 20,15,12,10 3 Machine (or Cable / Band) Hip Abduction 4x20 4 Barbell Reverse Lunge 4x10ea SONG Back N’ Forth by MILANO

" MASTERS" 20.11.2022

Queridos y extrañados amigos, mi familia y yo les deseamos una increíble noche buena y una genial navidad, disfruten a sus seres queridos, DIOS los bendiga siempre, les recordamos con mucho cariñoQueridos y extrañados amigos, mi familia y yo les deseamos una increíble noche buena y una genial navidad, disfruten a sus seres queridos, DIOS los bendiga siempre, les recordamos con mucho cariño

" MASTERS" 20.11.2022

Here’s a NEW Workout to try at Home if you want to target your SHOULDERS + BACK + BICEPS All you’ll need for this one is 2 pairs of dumbbells (1 x heavy pair... and 1 x lighter pair) These would be my recommendations for women: Light Pair: 3-8kg Dumbbells Heavy Pair: 6-15kg Dumbbells Here’s the full workout: WARM UP 1a. Single Arm DB External Rotations 2x10ea (Light DB’s) 1b. Alternating Arm Lift Plank 2x10ea (BodyWt) 1c. Prone W Hold with Overhead Reach 2x20 (BodyWt) WORKOUT 2a. Alternating Seated DB Press 4x10ea (Heavy DB’s) 2b. DB Single Arm Row 4x20ea (Heavy DB’s) 3a. DB Curl into Arnold Press 4x10 (Heavy DB’s) 3b. DB Hammer Curl into Lateral Raise 4x10ea (Light DB’s) 4a. DB Bent Over Y Raise (Light DB’s) 4b. DB Around the Worlds (Light DB’s Make sure you check out my LIFTING at Home Program on the @sweat app if you’re looking for more home based workouts like this !! SONG Lies by NM

" MASTERS" 20.11.2022

Here’s a DUMBBELL ONLY Workout to target your SHOULDERS This is one of the workouts found in my LIFTING at Home Program for the 6 Week Sweat Challenge which ...has just begun !! It’s not too late to join us if you want to get involved - click the link below the Sweat App to get started (you can train at home with workouts like this or in the gym with my other program BUILD) This was the workout 1A. Curl + Press 1B. Sir Charles Raise 2A. Arnold Press 2B. Front to Side Raise 3. Around the World’s *Plus some Arm Work which can be found in the App* SONG Stay by NM

" MASTERS" 20.11.2022

Here’s a Workout to Build Your SHOULDERS 1 Seated Dumbbell Press 10,8,5,5,5 2 Single Arm Landmine Press 3x8... Superset with Cable Lateral Raise 3x15 3 EZ Bar Upright Row 3x10 Superset with EZ Bar Overhead Press 3xMAX 4 Machine or Cable Reverse Fly 3x20 Looking for more workouts like this ?? The 6 Week @Sweat Challenge is fast approaching so make sure you secure your spot now Get motivated and stay accountable with the thousands of other women who have already registered for the challenge I’ve also just released Meal Plans if you’re looking to get some extra support with your nutrition as well !! The meal plans are super simple to follow and totally flexible to suit your dietary needs Feel free to ask any questions below Otherwise click the link below to get started and take action now Take the time to set yourself up now so 2022 is your best year yet !! SONG Jealous by Vic Sage


Localidad: Xochimilco, Distrito Federal, Mexico

Teléfono: +52 55 5555 1428

Ubicación: Avenida Mèxico 2002 Col. Tierra Nueva, Delegacion Xochimilco 16050 Xochimilco, Distrito Federal, Mexico

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