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Lugar de Misericordia 23.11.2022

Prayer is not an act where you inform God what is happening (He knows everything) it is a sincere, open and transparent talk from your heart to His heart where you allow Him (by free will) to act on what you give Him with faith; It is at that moment that His Holy Spirit floods your heart, and His supernatural peace guards your mind and heart with thoughts and feelings that fill you with fear and anguish. "Never lose your connection with Jesus Christ"

Lugar de Misericordia 22.11.2022

Failure, or not having achieved what was expected, for whatever reason, should never discourage us, on the contrary it should encourage us to seek Jesus to learn and listen to direction and have the courage to get up again and continue to the goal of Jesus Christ for your life, which is a life full of victories and testimonies of His power and love.

Lugar de Misericordia 22.11.2022

Prayer is talking with God, it is a connection with the Father, with the Son and with the Holy Spirit, praying is the answer to having found the Way that Jesus opened for us to enter into a relationship of love with the Father and talk with Him our anguishes and our fears and also to plan and be directed by the Holy Spirit to the future full of hope that He has for us, as we pray, we are filled with His Love, His peace and His wisdom. Never stop talking to Dad.

Lugar de Misericordia 21.11.2022

La oración no es un acto donde le informas a Dios lo que está pasando (El sabe todo) es una platica sincera, abierta y transparente de tu corazón a Su corazón donde tú le permites (por el libre albedrío) actuar sobre lo que le entregas con fe; es en ese momento cuando Su Espíritu Santo inunda tu corazón, y Su paz sobrenatural guarda tu mente y corazón de pensamientos y sentimientos que te llenan de temor y angustia. Nunca pierdas tu conexión con Jesucristo

Lugar de Misericordia 21.11.2022

El fracaso, o no haber logrado lo que se esperaba por cualquier razón, no debe desanimarnos nunca, al contrario debe alentarnos a buscar a Jesús para aprender y escuchar dirección y tener el coraje y el valor de levantarse de nuevo y proseguir a la meta de Jesucristo para tu vida, que es una vida llena de victorias y testimonios de Su poder y amor.


Ubicación: Tlalpan 14200 Xochimilco, Distrito Federal, Mexico

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