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LIOS the PitBull 22.11.2022

My best friend has been missing for a month now. Please anyone who sees him let me know immediately!!! Please help if you can! Thank you very much to all! Please SHARE this page with all the contacts you can. I live in Ajijic and the last time he's been seen was on LIBRAMIENTO, near CARTONERA or JARTONERA neighborhood, between the Fire Dept. and the town of Chapala, with a very bad looking man and another dog. This man is maybe one that does some jobs here in AJIJIC and I think I saw him the day LIOS got lost, when I was looking for him. He was watering a garden of a house on Carretera, on the freeway, close to TOBOLANDIA and on the same side of it. He's supposed to be a Pitbull but he has both ears loin

LIOS the PitBull 21.11.2022

No sè si serà PitBull 100%, y esas orejas en eso no le ayudan...! Tiene cuerpo, manera de moverse y temperamento de los PitBulls y me dijeron unos expertos que las orejas paradas no influyen sobre su pertenencia a la noble raza de loa A.P.B.T.. Algunos salen asì, orejones, y LIOS es uno de esos algunos. El muchachito ahora tiene 9 meses por un peso de 35 kilos, una bestia!!! POR FAVOR AYUDENME A TRAERLO DE REGRESO A SU CASA!!!! LA RECOMPENSA ES DE $2,000 mxn para quien pueda señalar la ubicaciòn exacta o traer directamente al perrito. MUCHAS GRACIAS


Teléfono: +52 33 1742 4391

Ubicación: Guadalupe Victoria, 98 45920 Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico

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