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Lead the Way 23.11.2022

Bye bye... keep me posted

Lead the Way 23.11.2022

No one wants to be with someone who bad mouths #sorrynotsorry #idioms #english #languages

Lead the Way 22.11.2022

I’ll be like a dog with two tails if I eat pizza today! What about you? #learnenglish #english #idioms

Lead the Way 22.11.2022

Don’t forget it! Have a wonderful day!! #english #quotes #languages

Lead the Way 22.11.2022

Bye bye... keep me posted

Lead the Way 20.11.2022

No one wants to be with someone who bad mouths #sorrynotsorry #idioms #english #languages


Teléfono: +52 55 7919 3760

Web: www.instagram.com/arieel_zavala

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