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La Crónica de Hoy 24.11.2022

Top benefits of meditation Regulating mood A regular meditation practice has been shown to improve your overall mood. You’re more in-tune with the way you feel and how you react in any given situation.... Meditation influences our physical state to be more relaxed and helps us respond more appropriately to our external world. You’ll have a new understanding and sense of self, where you’ll find yourself feeling better and possibly having more energy since your stress levels are lower. See more

La Crónica de Hoy 24.11.2022

Guillermo del Toro reta a aerolíneas a dar, inicialmente por tres años, 10 viajes anuales gratis a Mexicanos sobresalientes que no tienen apoyos

La Crónica de Hoy 23.11.2022

Spices you should have in your pantry Red pepper flakes If you love your dishes spicy and hot, this is the spice you need in your kitchen pantry. These are similar to the hot paprika but instead of the chili peppers being seeded and then ground to a powder, these are finely chopped instead with the seeds.... The seeds, after all, carry the most heat and it essential in adding to the spiciness of your dish. See more

La Crónica de Hoy 23.11.2022

Tras la aprobación del decreto que ordena la extinción de fideicomisos, científicos seguirán luchando para intentar frenar la desaparición de esos mecanismos jurídicos que sostienen la investigación científica multianual

La Crónica de Hoy 23.11.2022

Foods that lift your mood: Berries Berries pack a wide range of antioxidants and phenolic compounds, which play a key role in combatting oxidative stress, an imbalance of harmful compounds in your body. They’re particularly high in anthocyanins, a pigment that gives certain berries their purple-blue color. A diet rich in anthocyanins is associated with a 39% lower risk of depression symptoms. If you can’t find them fresh, try buying frozen berries, which are frozen at their peak ripeness to retain the maximum amount of antioxidants.

La Crónica de Hoy 23.11.2022

Cleaning office equipment and electronics Keeping your laptop, computer, printer and other home office equipment and electronics dust-free can help them stay in good, properly working order. White vinegar is a great way to do just that. Before you begin, be sure the item you want to clean is powered off. Then, mix up a solution of equal parts water and white vinegar in a large bowl or bucket.... Do not use a spray bottle as it could cause liquid to seap into the circuits inside. Instead, dampen a soft, clean cloth in the solution and then squeeze it out as much as possible before using it to clean. You can use cotton swabs for tight spaces, such as the areas around the keys of the keyboard. See more

La Crónica de Hoy 23.11.2022

Pide AMLO a Frenaaa que le preste el Zócalo una vez al mes; asegura no habrá desalojo

La Crónica de Hoy 23.11.2022

Spices you should have in your pantry Paprika Paprika is the ground spice from sweet bell peppers. There are at least three kinds of paprika: sweet, smoked, and hot.... These are all made from the same peppers but are then smoked or mixed with a spicer chili pepper for its heat. These range from sweet earthy to smoky earthy to spicy earthy in flavor depending on which variant you're using. The Spanish paprika is the main seasoning spice ingredient in chorizo. See more

La Crónica de Hoy 23.11.2022

Muere Whitey Ford, líder de victorias en la historia de los #Yankees y seis veces campeón de la Serie Mundial con esta novena

La Crónica de Hoy 22.11.2022

¡Buen día! Hoy es martes 13 de octubre y te presentamos nuestra #portada --> bit.ly/impcronica

La Crónica de Hoy 22.11.2022

Los casinos, boliches y casas de apuestas en la #CDMX podrán reiniciar actividades a partir de esta fecha

La Crónica de Hoy 22.11.2022

Extending the life of cut flowers While white vinegar is a great weed killer, it can also extend the life of cut flowers as it lowers the pH of the water. The lower pH helps the flower absorb more water and creates a hostile environment for microbes. Microbes, which are fed by decaying plant material and any added sugars, cut the life expectancy of flowers. Sugar is important for any plants, as it’s high in carbs and continues to feed the flowers after they’re cut, helping un...opened buds to open while extending the life and vitality of the open flowers. Use equal parts of dissolved sugar and white vinegar to supply an adequate level of sucrose and acidify the water. For a quart vase, use two tablespoons of each dissolved white sugar and white vinegar. See more

La Crónica de Hoy 22.11.2022

Ground Turmeric Wild ginger is also known as turmeric. It has a slightly bitter, acrid taste but only when added in abundance to the dish. That's why it's commonly used as a natural food coloring in many dishes instead of a spice for its flavor.... You can find this as ground or fresh. Word of caution when using the fresh kind: this stains very strongly and your hands, as well as your chopping board, will be tinged a golden hue if you do not wear gloves or otherwise protect your surfaces. Wear gloves and immediately rinse your board after prepping this spice. See more

La Crónica de Hoy 22.11.2022

#CrónicaEscenario estuvo presente en los sets del #RallyFeratum 60 para conocer el arte de filmar en tiempos pandémicos. No te pierdas las imágenes

La Crónica de Hoy 22.11.2022

Store-bought pasta Trust your senses. If nothing looks funny and nothing smells funny, your dry pasta is probably in good shape.

La Crónica de Hoy 22.11.2022

Spices you should have in your pantry Black peppercorns This may be the most common spice you have in your kitchen. These black pearls were once so expensive and valued so highly that these were used as a type of currency in ancient times.... That's no longer the case but the importance of this spice is still high. Almost any savory dish can be made more delicious with a pinch or a few corns of this earthy spice added to the dish. In fact, you can even add this spice to a simple dessert to give it another dimension in flavor. Vanilla and black peppercorn ice cream anyone? See more

La Crónica de Hoy 22.11.2022

Working out to work well Other than the health benefits and the regular dose of serotonin, getting a sweat on can also improve your work. Even low-intensity exercise can boost your energy levels, making you better able to face your to-do list. Follow YouTube videos or apps and mix your workouts between cardio, bodyweight exercises and yoga. The latter has been linked to improved working memory.

La Crónica de Hoy 22.11.2022

Spices you should have in your pantry Cinnamon Cinnamon is a highly aromatic spice that many of us associate with desserts. It comes from the bark of a tree which is why it's usually found in the form of a scroll.... However, there are at least two kinds of commonly used tree bark that is classified as cinnamon: the cassia and ceylon. The most common kind of cinnamon we have is the cassia variant which has a thicker bark than the tight scrolls of ceylon that many call as "true cinnamon". Whichever kind you use, you can use these as whole sticks or as the powdered kind and add straight into your dish as needed. See more

La Crónica de Hoy 22.11.2022

Nuestro muchacho sigue juntando anécdotas, dirá mamá 4T

La Crónica de Hoy 22.11.2022

Spices you should have in your pantry Annatto seeds These seeds are responsible for the golden yellow and reddish hue of many dishes. These need to be used differently from the usual spices since these seeds are primarily used for its coloring abilities, not its flavor.... To use, you can soak the seeks in water or saute over low heat in oil until the color leeches from the seeds and into the water or oil. Then use as little or as much as needed in the recipe. See more

La Crónica de Hoy 21.11.2022

¿Ha visto las calles del centro histórico de Tlalpan? Es verdaderamente precioso

La Crónica de Hoy 21.11.2022

El suceso ocurrió cuando la menor realizaba sus labores escolares en un cibercafé y fue abordada por el profesor que le ofreció llevarla a su casa para ayudarla con sus tareas.

La Crónica de Hoy 21.11.2022

El Programa Mundial de Alimentos de las Naciones Unidas recibirá el Premio Nobel de la Paz 2020, anunció este viernes el Comité Nobel noruego, con sede en Oslo.

La Crónica de Hoy 21.11.2022

El Tribunal del Vaticano juzgara desde mañana a dos sacerdotes acusados de abusos sexuales a un joven seminarista

La Crónica de Hoy 21.11.2022

Advertencia de spoiler opinativo: si y la verdad es que el servicio que no era de plataforma era pésimo

La Crónica de Hoy 21.11.2022

Esto es lo que sabemos de la posible llegada del "Chucky" Lozano a la Selección Nacional de México

La Crónica de Hoy 20.11.2022

Trump revela que estaba entrando en una etapa muy mala de salud cuando se contagió de #COVID19

La Crónica de Hoy 20.11.2022

Benefits of Healthy Habits: Energy Boost We’ve all experienced a lethargic feeling after eating too much unhealthy food. When you eat a balanced diet your body receives the fuel it needs to manage your energy level. A healthy diet includes: whole grains lean meats low-fat dairy products... fruit vegetables Regular physical exercise also improves muscle strength and boosts endurance, giving you more energy. Exercise helps deliver oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and gets your cardiovascular system working more efficiently so that you have more energy to go about your daily activities. It also helps boost energy by promoting better sleep. This helps you fall asleep faster and get deeper sleep. Insufficient sleep can trigger a variety of problems. Aside from feeling tired and sluggish, you may also feel irritable and moody if you don’t get enough sleep. What’s more, poor sleep quality may be responsible for high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease, and it can also lower your life expectancy. To improve sleep quality, stick to a schedule where you wake up and go to bed at the same time every night. Reduce your caffeine intake, limit napping, and create a comfortable sleep environment. Turn off lights and the television, and maintain a cool room temperature. See more

La Crónica de Hoy 20.11.2022

"A la vista del número de quejas de diferentes segmentos de la sociedad contra el contenido inmoral e indecente en TikTok", Pakistán decidió bloquear la aplicación de videos

La Crónica de Hoy 20.11.2022

Esta es la historia de Sophie Pétronin, una mujer que pasó cuatro años secuestrada en Malí

La Crónica de Hoy 20.11.2022

Un enfrentamiento entre criminales y policías de Zacatecas dejó 14 presuntos sicarios muertos y tres elementos de seguridad heridos


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