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Casona Rosa 23.11.2022

MORELIA~The majestic world-class UNESCO Colonial capital city of Michoacan. Home and international destination for the authentic indigenous Purhepecha Muertos celebration, Day of the Dead. WELCOME TO CASONA ROSA~your place to stay as a visitor; and as a monthly guest while you look for your long term home to rent or buy. We professionally handle all your real estate and relocation needs. [email protected] CasonaRosa.com CasonaRosa FB

Casona Rosa 23.11.2022

Another reserve for monarca tours.

Casona Rosa 23.11.2022

I love this! Everything about it.

Casona Rosa 22.11.2022


Casona Rosa 22.11.2022

Excited to announce that Lady Zen will soon be a guest again in Casona Rosa....and we must make a small, cozy, safe and intimate party! Viva Zen!

Casona Rosa 21.11.2022

From a friend encouraging us to get involved.

Casona Rosa 21.11.2022

It is a delight when our guests are pleased. March 2020 Another 5-Star Excellent Review on Trip Advisor. "Casona Rosa gets it all right" Rose Calderone has created an oasis of calm wedded to a flurry of colour in her fabulous bed and breakfast in the heart of Morelia. The bedrooms are charmingly eccentric in a way one might expect in a venerable house, but the things that matter -- good mattresses, abundant hot water, proper lighting for reading -- are all there, as well as a... supply of handwoven shawls for cool evenings, hairdryers, and kleenex(!) But the best part of Casona Rosa is the fun. Rose knows everyone, and with a snap of her fingers she organizes birdwatching (with an English-speaking ornithology PhD candidate no less), trips around Lake Patzcuaro, outings to markets and art shows, and a memorable all-day cooking class with the amazing Cynthia Martinez. She also knows where to eat. One evening we returned to a meal that another guest had felt like cooking -- the best fish tacos ever and a luscious shrimp dish with rice. Everyone was invited. Spontaneous, hilarious, companionable. Breakfasts, thanks to the ever-bustling Lupe, are abundant and delicious. Lupe set the coffee up for me at night so I could slip into the kitchen at dawn for my first cup. What better gift? She also arrived one evening with a little cake to celebrate my husband's birthday. In a lifetime of travelling I have seldom felt as good reentering a guest house as I did at Casona Rosa. Such a welcoming space. Such a perfect R

Casona Rosa 21.11.2022

Oh yeah! Proud to have his work in the Casona Rosa courtyard.

Casona Rosa 21.11.2022

Casona Rosa loves this place!

Casona Rosa 21.11.2022

Awaiting when we can resume tours here for the monarch butterflies.

Casona Rosa 21.11.2022

Below is the vision statement I created for Casona Rosa 20 years ago. I am still living my dream and I love sharing it with others who travel here from all over the world. 273 TripAdvisor 5-Star Reviews. Casona Rosa has daily and weekly availability; plus month to month for those seeking a long term rental; or to buy your "Dream Home". Kids & pet friendly. Follow covid precautions. Expansive open air courtyard with lush plants & colorful flowers & soothing fountain. [email protected] 1-312-622-7673 www.casonarosa.com

Casona Rosa 20.11.2022

A priviledge to live among the Purhepecha maestros and maestras in Michoacan.

Casona Rosa 20.11.2022

Yes to our 272-5 Star Excellent Review on Trip Advisor! 'Fun Fun Fun and the "Morelia Central "for making contacts and connections...' Rose, the owner, knows everyone in "Centro", and is of great assistance in knowing the Who, What, Where and the How of life in Morelia. Nice warm atmosphere and the cook, Guadalupe is wonderful. Casona Rosa's location is just a 5 minute walk to The Main Square and the big Cathedral. Really feels a bit like the side streets of Paris and the main square definitely has a Paris feel with all the outdoor dining under the 400 year old Portals. One of the most beautiful, safe and clean cities in all of Mexico."

Casona Rosa 20.11.2022

We’ve been living the dream and sharing it since 2003...Viva la vida!

Casona Rosa 20.11.2022

I love the stories by Susan Knight York about San Miguel de Allende food, chefs and restaurants.


Localidad: Morelia

Teléfono: +52 443 312 3127

Ubicación: Calle Galeana 274 Colonia Centro 58000 Morelia, Michoacán de Ocampo, Mexico

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