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LABPitch 23.11.2022

Low E Guitar string capture using LABPitch arbitrary filter. The keyboard is an arbitrary filter (rather than a piano synth). The pressed keys set filter for these unique overtones. Plucking the low E string shows overtones E3 & E4 along with fundamental E2. Note that E4 is set to 0 cent deviation. (E2 comes flat). This compensate string inharmonicity. If you are interested on LABPitch, I can provide you a direct download link. Free to friends.

LABPitch 23.11.2022

Use the link below to download LABPitch beta test. Thanks for your help evaluating LABPitch.

LABPitch 23.11.2022

Thanks to beta evaluators for feedback!

LABPitch 23.11.2022

Labpitch screen shot: Instrument preset set to "violin". Temperament set to "Pythagorean". Open string intervals are perfect fifth's at 701.96 cents. (Close to 2 cents wider compared to Equal temperament).

LABPitch 23.11.2022

First three elements of E2 harmonic series from 6th guitar string decoded. Frequency domain shows additional constituents of the complex E2 tone.

LABPitch 22.11.2022

LABPitch ADSR capture. (Attack-Decay-Sustain-Release)

LABPitch 22.11.2022

After 10 years I have rescued LABPitch from oblivion. Changed the Temperament module to allow entering Tuning Units (TU's) to temper the 12 fifths to create custom temperaments. (tempered fifth's must add up -720 TU's = 1 Pythagorean comma. Once you design your own temperament, the cent's offsets are automatically computed. The list of over 20 historic temperaments and the capacity to store and retrieve from disk still is available.

LABPitch 22.11.2022

LABPitch transpose module: Powerful transpose module enable shift of tuning by A reference, cents, semitone and fraction of comma (Pythagorean or Syntonic). Picture shows Areference set to 1885 Austrian standard = 435 Hz simultaneously applied with 1/4 of Pythagorean comma sharp.

LABPitch 22.11.2022

Temperament Editor screen. Partial list of built-in temperaments shown. Custom temperaments can be defined and saved for later use.

LABPitch 22.11.2022

After 10 years I have rescued LABPitch from oblivion. Changed the Temperament module to allow entering Tuning Units (TU's) to temper the 12 fifths to create custom temperaments. (tempered fifth's must add up -720 TU's = 1 Pythagorean comma. Once you design your own temperament, the cent's offsets are automatically computed. The list of over 20 historic temperaments and the capacity to store and retrieve from disk still is available.

LABPitch 21.11.2022

5th guitar string A2 captured by LABPitch. At bottom, arbitrary filter is set to "guitar". The orange-dark graph top left, shows the acquisition of the pluck transient. This is what makes LABPitch different to many other ETD's: it triggers using the ADSR (Attack-Decay-Sustain-Release) pattern of instruments, rather than chasing the unstable transient when the string is plucked/bowed/hit. Just a single reading for true pitch is shown instead of a "dancing cents" reading on other devices/sw.

LABPitch 21.11.2022

Low E Guitar string capture using LABPitch arbitrary filter. The keyboard is an arbitrary filter (rather than a piano synth). The pressed keys set filter for these unique overtones. Plucking the low E string shows overtones E3 & E4 along with fundamental E2. Note that E4 is set to 0 cent deviation. (E2 comes flat). This compensate string inharmonicity. If you are interested on LABPitch, I can provide you a direct download link. Free to friends.

LABPitch 21.11.2022

First three elements of E2 harmonic series from 6th guitar string decoded. Frequency domain shows additional constituents of the complex E2 tone.

LABPitch 21.11.2022

Temperament Editor screen. Partial list of built-in temperaments shown. Custom temperaments can be defined and saved for later use.

LABPitch 20.11.2022

Guitar Tempered Tuning? Guitar sound great on Pythagorean tuning! Better resonance and sustain due to better interval consonance. The most significant different on Guitar Pythagorean tuning is the 2nd and 3rd string interval (G3-B3) about 8 cents wider compared to Equal temperament. The G3-B3 Phytagorean interval is a Major third at the exact ratio of 81/64 = 407.82 cents.

LABPitch 20.11.2022

5th guitar string A2 captured by LABPitch. At bottom, arbitrary filter is set to "guitar". The orange-dark graph top left, shows the acquisition of the pluck transient. This is what makes LABPitch different to many other ETD's: it triggers using the ADSR (Attack-Decay-Sustain-Release) pattern of instruments, rather than chasing the unstable transient when the string is plucked/bowed/hit. Just a single reading for true pitch is shown instead of a "dancing cents" reading on other devices/sw.

LABPitch 20.11.2022

Guitar tuning (just close to target to save time) using LABPitch. Harmonic test. Note that LABPitch gives you a single reading: the true pitch. Sound is captured using ADSR detection (Attack-Decay-Sustain-Release). Some of the harmonics are a bit off, this is normal in any acoustic instrument due to inharmonicity. Many tuners cannot decode fast decay harmonics due to pitch vanished before decode time, LABPitch captures even the shortest duration pitch and accurately decodes note giving a single reading, not an unstable cents reading.


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