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Kurimanzutto 23.11.2022

This #EarthDay, in support of ART 2030 and the United Nations, we are sharing #MinervaCuevas' artwork that invites us to rethink the management of natural resources and inspires to work for a healthy planet. "We didn't come to understand that we need earth, not territory. We didn't come to understand that we had to look animals in the eye. We have deconstructed, decolonized, recycled and ended up the same. Houston we have a problem: Houston you are the problem." - Minerva Cu...evas Photos: Postcards NG #1, #2, #3, 2010 #art2030org #ArtforGlobalGoals #ArtforaHealthyPlanet

Kurimanzutto 20.11.2022

Siembra invitó a la galería #SalónSilicón para plantar y cosechar un proyecto. Su propuesta se basa en el tema de SEX en 3 diferentes tiempos y ejes: SEXplay, SEXwork, y SEXtrauma. https://youtu.be/WsS_7t00h6Y


Teléfono: +52 55 5256 2408

Ubicación: gob. rafael rebollar 94, col san miguel chapultepec 11850 Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico

Web: www.kurimanzutto.com

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