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Bujinkan Kannagara Dôjô 22.11.2022

En kamae y movimiento contínuo; Taiden / Kuden / Shinden.

Bujinkan Kannagara Dôjô 22.11.2022

Constancia y consistencia son principios invaluables en los caminos marciales.

Bujinkan Kannagara Dôjô 22.11.2022

La enorme responsabilidad de compartir como a mí me han enseñado a compartir. Somos parte de un legítimo legado marcial y en consecuencia practicamos & estudiamos para seguir transmitiendo las valiosas enseñanzas del Soke Masaaki Hatsumi.

Bujinkan Kannagara Dôjô 22.11.2022

El bud del Soke Masaaki Hatsumi va más allá de la básica necesidad de las técnicas propias del tatami, su vasta amplitud se expande constantemente a través de las múltiples manifestaciones en la práctica & estudio de cada buyu en cada entrenamiento. Taiden / Kuden / Shinden

Bujinkan Kannagara Dôjô 22.11.2022

NIN ( ) Agradecimiento infinito por la paciencia y el ejemplo continuo @christian_bujin, es un gran orgullo seguir tus enseñanzas. #bujinkanbudotaijutsu #kannagaradojo #bujinkanmexico

Bujinkan Kannagara Dôjô 21.11.2022

Hatsumi Sensei’s frog painting incorporates the common phrase, buji kaeru , meaning returning (home) without incident and if you’re a frog, hopping home ...is certainly better than into a hungry crane’s belly! This phrase is normally written with for kaeru, making a return (to home) clear, but Sensei wrote it in hiragana, which gives us a clue that he had homophones in mind Kaeru can be written , meaning frog or , meaning change. So now we need to ask, how did he get safely home? Was it simple, like a change of route? Or something mysterious? Perhaps a transformation, like Jiraiya was capable of? Images from ‘Masaaki Hatsumi: Dojo Art.’ March 2021: fewer than 35 ‘Dojo Art’ books remain. https://dojoartbooks.com/dojoart/ Steve See more

Bujinkan Kannagara Dôjô 20.11.2022

Conmemorando a O Sensei Toshitsugu Takamatsu Legado & linaje

Bujinkan Kannagara Dôjô 20.11.2022

The character taki meaning waterfall, and ry for dragon, look similar, right? Hatsumi Sensei painted this to resemble a thunderous waterfall. And below..., where the falls pound the rocks, his martial name, Bus Byakury , thrashes in the rapids. Legends say koi can become dragons, if they’re dedicated enough to swim up a waterfall, but the question remains Does his name in the rapids represent Sensei ascending the waterfall? (Or is HE the waterfall and it’s our job to follow?) To climb, persistence is essential but insufficient. Sensei spoke of sain meaning talent, tamashii expressing spirit, and utsuwa referring to each individual’s capacity, as factors. Perhaps part of the talent Sensei referred to is creativity. Hatsumi Sensei’s creative use of the tachi provided (painful) reminders to surprise the opponent with unorthodox techniques. His paintings also surprise. Images from ‘Masaaki Hatsumi: Dojo Art.’ Steve https://dojoartbooks.com/dojoart/ See more

Bujinkan Kannagara Dôjô 20.11.2022

Buenas tardes. Si pides un consejo al maestro, acéptalo con una sonrisa y trata de aplicarlo a la vida. Si escuchas un consejo del maestro sin pedir el consejo..., guárdalo en tu corazón, quizás sea útil en el futuro. Si escuchas el consejo que brinda el maestro a otra persona, presta atención, tal vez venga a tu vida disfrazada de otras palabras. El problema mas complejo es cuando no saben bien quien es su maestro y creen que no necesitan consejos. Buen entrenamiento !!!


Ubicación: Colima #431 Roma Norte Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico

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