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Josef Kandoll W Photography 24.11.2022

I am one of those who loves the rainy season...this year has rained in more plenitud than some years....and then there are the days when the rain is just a lovely "chipi-chipi" as they say here, what we might call a drizzle, or even a heavy mist....the tree off my balcony loves it too!

Josef Kandoll W Photography 23.11.2022

Work is coming in, things are starting to move, and we are recognizing the difference in pace now with social distancing, masks, and even gloves on some properties. This week was busy, and a sunset shoot cannot ever be guaranteed. It will be something, but we certainly got wet trying to get what we got! Couldn't be happier!

Josef Kandoll W Photography 23.11.2022

Today I walked again on the island, Isla Rio Cuale, always one of my favorite places of our lovely town. Now I live where I can see it every day just by looking off the balcony over the river. But I had not been able to see the work they have been doing for the last few months on the other side of Insurgentes, where Le Bistro is located...today I walked there with my camera. THey have only completed this area, just below the bridge. It's beautiful, open and inviting. One day we will be able to enjoy it again as a community. (Notice that John Huston is now seated at human eye-level rather than up on that pedestal....much more part of the action, or at least as much of the action that a bronze can have!)

Josef Kandoll W Photography 23.11.2022

And we think WE are the giants....

Josef Kandoll W Photography 23.11.2022

As Cergio used to say, "Our work!"...and yes...it was a pleasure to be there...backstage...even though this what you see is before the show even begins!!

Josef Kandoll W Photography 23.11.2022

Very little action at the pier this morning as the full moon gently descended toward the horizon. Have a safe day everyone. Be kind, be loving, keep your heart open.

Josef Kandoll W Photography 22.11.2022

El Rio Cuale....siempre mi lugar preferido para caminar, pensar, ruminar, hasta meditar y relajarme...ya tenemos las noticias que van a cerrar acceso para al público...por lo menos para este mes...lo voy a ver de reojo...con cariño, con amor... y lo voy a cargar en mi corazón...

Josef Kandoll W Photography 22.11.2022

Our beautiful sailboat Ada built in 1978! Come and sail with us, thank you Josef Kandoll W Photography for such amazing photos!

Josef Kandoll W Photography 22.11.2022

El Son de la Negra, Mariachi Vargas

Josef Kandoll W Photography 20.11.2022

Walking downtown one day...you never know what you see when you just look up....love to all! Happy holidays, and as we learn not to rush as was our custom before, keep your heart open, keep smiling, and nothing wrong with a chuckle or chortle now and then! Be safe everyone as we head toward the doorway of a new year.

Josef Kandoll W Photography 20.11.2022

Yesterday I had to walk to the bank....so took my camera with me on my lovely route which took me through the (normally busy!) market...even the street seemed reflective. Have a great weekend everyone!

Josef Kandoll W Photography 20.11.2022

I love when all the elements just come together....this a detail from a shoot for Debra Stevenson of CRATE...love working together, we're a great team!

Josef Kandoll W Photography 20.11.2022

Since I was downtown with my camera today I stopped to visit my favorite Primavera tree right on the highway entering town...(click on the image to get the full vertical panorama)

Josef Kandoll W Photography 20.11.2022

I haven't posted much lately, it's been a busy quarantine period. Right after Sofy was finished with school, the last week of June, I was told by the landlady of the building where I have had my office for some 8 years that I needed to move out because she was putting the building on the market. So not only did that mean finding a new place in the middle of all this but it meant packing my (very full) office of equipment, furniture and files...yes, thousands of files of image...s from over the years. To make a long story sweeter, I opened bins of magazines I have worked with over the years: covers, photographs, articles, everything. I found some jewels. Among them, this cover from when I worked with my friend Silvia Alvarez with her magazine 30 Grados...Yes, that is Cergio on the beach with our two (also dearly departed) dogs SImón and Lola. I like to think of them all reunited again...Sending love to all. See more


Teléfono: +52 1 322 138 3788

Ubicación: [email protected] 48315 Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico

Web: www.josefkandollwphotography.com

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