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JK Meadows 23.11.2022

Audrey and I are making a life move to Atonalisco Mexico. It is a beautiful mountainous region near Tepic Nayarit. We are moving to our families mango orchard. Acres of pristine property with all of the resources any artist could ever desire. We will be ramping up our creative process this year and look forward to birthing new artisan beauty that has yet to change the world. The time for change is now. Feeling thankfull and blessed for what's to come.

JK Meadows 21.11.2022

These three photos were created specifically for the Second Renaissance Getty Ello Competition. They indulge in body positivity, portraying a Hispanic American man and woman in their birthday suits unabashed. All light sources are skewed in some fashion to create an ambiance of a mystical nature. Rarely in life does the artist get the chance to not only create the art, but be the art as well. We are thankful and honored to be given the opportunity to bring a new feel to some ...old school artistic favorites. Using the camera and digital realm as our medium was captivating. Sincerely: Jk Meadows, Audriauna Dockery Divine Union Digital Photograph Models: Jk Meadows Audriauna Dockery Divine Union is a modern The Creation of Adam and The Birth of Venus. Both male and female models seem to be coalescing from the sea as the sun rises or sets. As the female side stands on the foot of the man she also stands tall in essence showing the viewer the feminine has taken her place. The man lounges comfortably on the rocks seeming to ponder the mysteries of existence. The woman drapes a shawl breaking the fourth wall implying that all is right in the world. They take their strength in the nude owning the beauty of their organ. Raw uninhibited truth divines their place in the moment. The background is ethereal other worldly. The man touches the sun as though he has true knowledge of the universe as well as the mysteries that it holds. Both man and woman have owned their identities yet are together being one, occupying the same place in the same time.

JK Meadows 20.11.2022

Research has begun to create a new piece of art named: Pan's sacrifice to SyrinxResearch has begun to create a new piece of art named: Pan's sacrifice to Syrinx

JK Meadows 20.11.2022

This is going to be wonderful if your in Phoenix Saturday night come by and check out a bronze sculpture pouring.

JK Meadows 20.11.2022

Audrey and my first sculpture together. We are ultra pleased with the outcome and look forward to creating our studio in mexico.


Teléfono: +52 615 110 2418

Web: jkmeadows.wordpress.com/about

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