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James Mazatlan Storage 23.11.2022

JSM Storage is open for business. please call and or email for any information you may need. Phone 669-161-6372 Email [email protected]

James Mazatlan Storage 23.11.2022

For some reason my message box says I have 9 new messages and when I go my inbox o messages, there are no messages. Please call me at 669-161-6372 or email me at [email protected]

James Mazatlan Storage 22.11.2022

Well.... just wanted to say hi and thanks to everyone. It's been a sort of a busy month when it cpmex to storage due to all snow birds retuning home. Miss everyone n hope everyone stays warm n safe. Keep in touch

James Mazatlan Storage 20.11.2022

a few profile pictures of the James J Singh....owner of JMS storage


Teléfono: +52 669 161 6372

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