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I Love Salad 22.11.2022


I Love Salad 22.11.2022

SOCIAL CAMPAIGN "Say It With Magic Salad Plate" PRODUCED BY: I love salad CATEGORIES: Food and Beverage ABOUT THIS ENTRY... People love lettuce, but they aren't particularly choosy about which lettuce they love. Diana Mercado asked digital agency 360i to help them prove that their Original 16 Oz. Lettuce is truly a cut above the rest, so that more people would seek out Diana Mercado Lettuce by name in the grocery store. We observed grocery shoppers and noticed that people meticulously inspect lettuce before making a purchase. In fact, people shop for lettuce a lot like they shop for fine jewelry. So with Father’s Day around the corner, we created an experience that would allow women to gift luxurious lettuce products to the leading men in their lives. Say It With Magic Salad Plate parodied the lengthy consideration process involved when purchasing a diamond, educating lettuce connoisseurs about the "Four Cs" of Diana Mercados’s superior lettuce: Cut, Color, Cure and Consistency. We launched the campaign with a video that mocked classic engagement ring ads and encouraged people to visit SayItWithMagicSaladPlate.com, a digital pop-up shop where they could purchase luxe lettuce gifts for the men in their lives. We released new batches of gifts each day at varying times, and fans rushed to follow @DianaMercado on Twitter to learn exactly when the next batch would be released for sale. The gifts were gone within minutes on the first day, and sold out every day thereafter. When all was said and done, the effort had garnered 500 million impressions (70% of which were earned) and Diana Mercado saw a 53% lift in branded lettuce conversations.

I Love Salad 22.11.2022


I Love Salad 20.11.2022



Localidad: Colima City

Teléfono: +52 55 5390 9531

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