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Hwa Rang Do México 23.11.2022

En esta sesión, Kuk Sun Nim Taejoon Lee enseña el uso del cinturón para defenderse eficazmente de un atacante. Hwarang.

Hwa Rang Do México 22.11.2022

"Aspira a inspirar, antes de expirar." Sa Bum Nim Víctor, es grato recordar este glorioso día en que su ciclo terrenal inició iluminando vidas, comenzando con sus padres Rodolfo García y Ma. del Rosario Hernández... Sabemos que ese encuentro especial hace 136 equinoccios, hoy también lo celebran juntos. Fue un honor poder convivir, compartir, trabajar, celebrar, pero sobre todo el haber aprendido de usted a no soñar con el éxito, sino a despertar y trabajar en ello cada día; ...y a la vez no volvernos una persona de éxito, sino volvernos una persona de valor. Nuestra energía cambió gracias a su presencia y esencia; continuando su legado, lucharemos por esa flama que encendió en nosotros, con el compromiso de seguir transmitiendo su luz. Festejaremos su vida con alegría mientras el Señor nos permita hacerlo. Con cariño y hasta donde se encuentre, ¡Feliz Cumpleaños Sa Bum Nim! Hwarang.

Hwa Rang Do México 20.11.2022

Founder of Hwa Rang Do Supreme Grandmaster Dr. Joo Bang Lee featured on the April 2021 issue of Budo International Russian Edition. This will be the first time that Hwa Rang Do and our Founder is introduced to the Russian people. We thank the Publisher Alfredo Tucci for this opportunity. Mansae! Long Live our Dojoonim Dr. Joo Bang Lee! Hwarang forever and God bless, https://issuu.com/.../budo_international_edition_in.../18... #thankgod #gratitude #hawrang #hwarangdo #taesoodo #martialarts #leader #founder #dojoonim #dojunim #grandmaster #master #teacher #joobanglee #russia #russian #korea #koreanmartialarts #budointernational #budo # # # # # # # # # # See more

Hwa Rang Do México 20.11.2022

Del muro del hermano menor de Sa Bum Nim Víctor, Fabián Israel García Hernández. Gracias por compartirnos tu sentir y tus palabras. Hwarang....Continue reading

Hwa Rang Do México 20.11.2022

We are proud to introduce our Luxembourg Team of Instructors for 2021 and what better way to present them than through the most popular martial arts journal in the world, Budo International! They are members of Hwa Rang Do Teuk Gong Team (), which means Special Forces. They are selected by Grandmaster Taejoon Lee from amongst the student body who have shown the greatest dedication, leadership qualities, and commitment for personal development, desiring to help others in th...eir growth. They are the role modes for all the rest to follow. Furthermore, they are the officers of the club who maintain and continue the growth of the club. They are as follows: Giuseppe Morelli - President Roberto Cesca - Vice-President Sabina De Paris - Secretary / Treasurer Veronique Wilhelm - Public Relations Claire Davey - Student Affairs / Historian Szymon Mirocha - Student Retention / Recruitment The article contained is also very appropriate to their efforts as it is on the true meaning of what is to Follow. There are many articles on leadership, but rarely do we delve into the values, motivations, and truth of following as it is not a passive act of submission but rather an active exercise of one’s empowered freedom of choice. #hwarang #hwarangdo #taesoodo #martialarts #leadership #leaders #following #loyalty #family #dedication #commitment #taejoonlee # # # https://issuu.com//martial_arts_magazine_budo_internati/48


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