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Hilanki En 23.11.2022

It's important to know the risks of putting public feeders and water sources for stray dogs. If it's within your capacities, adopt one and make a real change for them

Hilanki En 22.11.2022

As well as other reptiles, iguanas need specific care, like controlled temperature, sunbaths, a well-balanced diet, and enough space. Keep these things in mind before getting one For responsible captivity

Hilanki En 20.11.2022

Cats are a completely domestic pet that has to live inside home all the time and only go out under constant supervision for its own and the environment's safety. Be a conscious owner, play with them, feed them and love them. For responsible captivity

Hilanki En 20.11.2022

Zoos are places for study and species conservation, they raise professionals in animal care and motivate the next generations to care for them and the environment. Some of them don't meet these standards yet but don't try to make them close, you can help to update them


Localidad: Mexico City, Mexico

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