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Highland XFIT 23.11.2022

Martes 29.9.2020 Warmup 1) 400m run / 500m row / 0.5mi bike 2) Clean warmup with bar... WOD 1) 10 min AMRAP: 6 power clean 205/135 50 double unders (2:1 singles) 9 power clean 185/115 (75%) 75 DU 12 PC 155/105 (65%) 100 DU 15 PC 135/95 (55%) 150 DU -rest 10 mins 2) 12 min AMRAP: 15/10 cal bike/row 15 burpees to 6" target 15 GHD sit ups (sub v-ups) INT 155/105 (85%)-135/95 (75%)-115/75 (65%)-95/65 (55%) weights NOV 75/55-65/45-45/35-45/35, 2:1 single unders

Highland XFIT 23.11.2022

Lunes 28.9.2020 Warmup 1) 400m run / 500m row / 0.5mi bike 2) 15s (4 movements + mobility)... Hero WOD "Nate" 20 min AMRAP: 2 Muscle Ups 4 Handstand Pushups 8 KBS 70/53 INT 20 min AMRAP: 2 Bar MU (4 C2B/4 PU) 4 Shoulder Press 75/55 8 KBS 53/35 NOV 20 min AMRAP: 4 jumping pull ups 4 Shoulder Press 45/35 8 KBS 35/18 Accessory / Strength 4 rounds: 12 GHD hip extensions, 2 sec pause at top + 12 alternating DB bicep curls, 12 each arm

Highland XFIT 23.11.2022

Si alguna vez formaste parte de la comunidad Highland y quieres regresar .. aprovecha tu mes de regreso en $650!!!!

Highland XFIT 23.11.2022

Jueves 8.10.2020 Warmup 1) 400m run / 500m row / 0.5mi bike 2) 15s (8 movements, 32 rounds)... 3) Hang power clean review/warmup WOD 2 rounds: 30/25 cal row (sub 400/300m run) 25 Russian swings 53/35 20 GHD sit ups (sub v-ups) 15 hang power clean 135/95 10 box jump overs 24/20 -rest 5 mins between rounds COMP 70/53 swings, 2x70/50 DB hang PC NOV 35/18 swings,45/35 HPC,box step up/down

Highland XFIT 22.11.2022

Proximo mes de aniversario en #highlandxfit. Clinicas para movimientos gimnasticos con la Coach Laura Vazquez!!!! #somoshighland

Highland XFIT 22.11.2022

Viernes 9.10.2020 Warmup Coach's Choice... Strength 15 mins to find max weight: 1 Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Jerk, (1+1+1) HAP WOD For time: 27-21-15 cal bike/row (sub 400/300/200m run) 5 - 4 - 3 rope climb (sub 27-21-15 PU, jumping PU) Accessory 5 rounds, not for time: 20 hollow rocks 10 side to side leg raises over paralettes (5 each side)

Highland XFIT 22.11.2022

Miercoles 7.10.2020 Warmup 1) 400m run / 500m row / 0.5mi bike 2) Mobility + 3 rounds: 7 push ups + 7x 1 1/4 air squat + 10 skater jumps... WOD "Coe" 10 rounds for time: 10 thrusters 95/65 10 ring push ups INT 75/55lb, push ups NOV 45/35lb, knee push ups Accessory 4 rounds: 3 turkish getups per side 20 sec L-sit hold or 30 sec hollow hold 10 shoulder touches

Highland XFIT 22.11.2022

Se parte de nuestra gran comunidad, octubre inscripcion GRATIS!!!! Mensualidad $850 Reingreso o si vienes de otro box tu primer mes pagas $650... #SomosHighland

Highland XFIT 21.11.2022

Lunes 5.10.2020 Warmup 1) 400m run / 500m row / 0.5mi bike 2) Calisthenics... 3) 3 Box jumps every 15 sec x 16, HAP WOD 5 rounds for time: 5 push jerk 185/120 (from rack, not to exceed 70%) 10 burpees Accessory: 3 x 3 strict weighted pull ups 3 x 8 strict weighted ring dips 3 x 10 weighted Y's Extra Credit 3 x 12 GHD hip extensions, 2 sec pause at top

Highland XFIT 21.11.2022

Jueves 1.10.2020 Warmup 1) 400m run / 500m row / 0.5mi bike 2) Push/Split Jerk review, warmup with bar, shoulder mobility... Strength 1) Bench Press: 3 reps @65% x 5 2) Strict ring dips: 3 x 10, scale as needed WOD 3 min for as long as possible: 0:00 - 3:00 2 rounds: 8 burpees to 6" + 8 T2B 3:00 - 6:00 2 rounds: 10 burpees to 6" + 10 T2B -continue adding 2 burpees + 2 T2B each set every 3 min for as long as possible -athletes must work for a minimum of 9 mins, scale as needed NOV Burpees, no target & hanging knee raises Extra Credit 3 x 12 lying DB tricep extensions

Highland XFIT 20.11.2022

Viernes 2.10.2020 Warmup Coach's Choice... Strength 1) Front Squat: 3 reps @70% x 3 2) 3x5 Strict/kipping HSPU w/ 3-5 sec negative (sub 5 handstand +3-5 negative) WOD 3 rounds for time: 20/15 cal bike/row (300m run) 20 deadlift 225/155 INT 185/125 DL NOV 15/10 cal (200m run), 95/65lb DL Core 4 rounds , not for time: 10 hollow rocks 10 v-ups 10 tuck crunches 10 sec hollow rock hold -rest 1:00 between rounds

Highland XFIT 20.11.2022

Miercoles 30.9.2020 Warmup 1) 400m run / 500m row / 0.5mi bike 2) Calisthenics + 3x10 skater jumps... WOD 8 rounds: 20/15 cal row (sub 300/200m run) 20 WBS 20/14lb to 10/9ft -rest 1:00 between rounds NOV 6 rounds, 15/10 cal or 200m run, 14/10 WBS Accessory 4 rounds, not for time: 3 turkish getups / side 10 round the worlds (chest) 20m handstand walk (sub 20 shoulder touches or 30 sec handstand hold)

Highland XFIT 20.11.2022

Martes 6.10.2020 Warmup 1) 400m run / 500m row / 0.5mi bike 2) Clean warmup with bar... Strength Deadlift: 2 reps @85% x 6 WOD For time: 800m run then 3 rounds: 60 double unders (90 singles) 20 power clean 95/65 20 T2B -20 min cap NOVsingles, 45/35lb PC, hanging knee raise


Localidad: Saltillo

Teléfono: +52 844 427 4474

Ubicación: 4631 Venustiano Carranza 25230 Saltillo, México

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