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Hatemetalrecords global corporation 23.11.2022

Thanks to all the people who follow us through the follow button and who constantly add more to the support of this independent label and also to the people who have us on their music taste pages. we will return with more potential and more exclusive bands of all genres and we will continue to recover and give life to those legendary bands of the past and present. see them soon!... Your team . Hatemetalrecords america Hatemetalrecords global corporation

Hatemetalrecords global corporation 22.11.2022

MUVA [ Mexico ] . MUVA is a project by Chatran González , incredibly capable of bringing to life this amazing instrumental percussionist sound. His career as a musician within these approximately 30 years of career and sharing the stage with various artists within Mexico, making trips to territories in some parts of the globe to immerse himself in various sounds from different cultures and capture them within this environmental project. ... MUVA has also performed at music festivals and one of them is the chimera festival with its presentation in 2018. now we share this incredible sound with you hoping to support and share this project of our friend and brother from years ago. for more information and music visit their site on their social networks under the name of muva music. Enjoy here ! https://youtu.be/laqARg7qgEI your team . Hatemetalrecords global corporation Hatemetalrecords america

Hatemetalrecords global corporation 22.11.2022

Memories of the past Hatemetalrecords America . Tendencia [ Cuba ] . Original trend poster flyer with autographs made by members of Tendencia band for the founder of this label, year 2016 Mexico City . ... Your team . Hatemetalrecords global corporation Hatemetalrecords america

Hatemetalrecords global corporation 22.11.2022

Memories of the past Hatemetalrecords America . Cuero Y Metal (Oaxaca) [ Mexico ] . formation of this band in the year 1983 - 1984, in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. Cuero y Metal band is characterized by being one of the representative heavy power metal bands in Mexico. ... always in contact with one of the pillars and founder of this band which friendship and brotherhood have endured for many years. Fernando Lievano ( guitars, vocals ) , has remained strong to continue with the band throughout these years. original cd album titled - juicio final - and autographed by the lineup of that album and in that lineup I was also part of the union for the creation of the album one of our closest friends who are part of the metal brotherhood and is Mario Montaño of the band of heavy power metal called - Calvaria - . Unfortunately of the entire line-up, one of the great musicians who helped this project and who unfortunately left this world was Alejandro Vazquez from the bands as - Argus, Luzbel, Proyecto Millennium . Your team . Hatemetalrecords america

Hatemetalrecords global corporation 21.11.2022

Memories of the past Hatemetalrecords America . Tendencia [ Cuba ] formed in 1992 - 1993 in the city of pinar de el rio, cuba, Tendencia to be a groove metal and metalcore band with great power in this genre. ... Among the first contacts with members of the band it was in 1994, where he sent us a demo cassette but unfortunately it got lost over the years. For periods of 2006 the continuous contact with Alfredo Carballo ( bass guitars, guitars ), made the union even more, later for the year 2016 with the visit to Mexico it was possible to be in physical contact with the band, also reaffirming the friendship with members of the band from Sergio Puentes ( guitars lead ) + Jose Mederos kiko ( guitars , vocals ) . Original cd album titled - confindencial - edited in 2009 and part of the collection of this label is autographed by members of the band with big words for the founder of this label. Your team . Hatemetalrecords america Hatemetalrecords global corporation


Localidad: Mexico City, Mexico

Teléfono: +52 55 4396 9095

Ubicación: Justina #20, Nativitas 03501 Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico

Web: hatemetalamerica.wix.com/hatemetalrecords

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