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Gurdjieff Foundation of Guadalajara 23.11.2022

PD ... uan Casiabi -- - Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico

Gurdjieff Foundation of Guadalajara 23.11.2022

Talks of Mme. Ouspensky (a) The Termagant. By one of her pupils December 7, 1940... Madame spoke of the results obtained by our writing down what we had obtained from her. It showed the essential components of false personality, as if one had seven colors and produced, by mixing them, every possible tint. In the ordinary way we see only multiplicity in ourselves, but it was necessary for us to look through this and see the larger divisions, to see categories. As one goes up the scale categories become fewer, just as, in the Absolute, there are only three laws. Various descriptions were read of what people had got from Madame. Discussing these, Madame said that one fault in the writings was that they were too psychological. They did not take into account the relations between things. It was not right to take one's own work personally. One must try and see man's connection with the Ray of Creation and the way in which his struggle is connected with this. One must try and feel the materiality of mechanicalness and its quality of sinking downwards. It is also necessary to see the working of the great laws; to realize that, if one takes one false step, one will be crushed. Besides this, one must try and see the trace of time and the way in which every moment has its own consequences. See more

Gurdjieff Foundation of Guadalajara 23.11.2022

ANUNCIO: Estamos buscando quien nos ayude a traducir del Ingles al Español y de ambos al Japones, las entrevistas a la Sra. Ouspensky y otros articulos del Trabajo. Si alguien esta interesado en participar como parte de su Trabajo, favor de comunicarse con Juan Casiabi a [email protected]. Gracias. JC

Gurdjieff Foundation of Guadalajara 23.11.2022

Talks of Mme. Ouspensky (a) The Termagant. By one of her pupils December 14, 1940... It is desirable to maintain attention as long as one can and to relax as may be necessary. Even the relaxation must be under one's control. Madame spoke about emotion. It was quite possible to be very emotional, to be stirred up and even to weep without its meaning anything. People revelled in such emotion, but it had no value to the work. To judge emotion rightly in relation to work, one must look for results. Cheap emotion produces no results. Asked what is the chief characteristic of self-remembering, Madame said a sense of two. You look at an object and see yourself as if looking back from the object. One who remembers himself receives into himself impressions from his surroundings. But man in sleep is constantly dragged here and there and loses the materiality of his attention. It is necessary to avoid thinking of work in terms of psychology. It should be thought of more in terms of chemistry or mechanics. The world of sleep has its own characteristic materiality, as has also the world of consciousness. They belong to completely different cosmoses. Work involves giving account to oneself for everything and trying to think always in terms of attention.

Gurdjieff Foundation of Guadalajara 22.11.2022

-PD ... uan Casiabi -- Mexico

Gurdjieff Foundation of Guadalajara 22.11.2022

ATTENTION ‘The very first moment you have an opportunity to lose your attention you will!’ G.I. Gurdjieff...Continue reading

Gurdjieff Foundation of Guadalajara 21.11.2022

ANUNCIO! Gracias a las personas que se interesan en la Gurdjieff Foundation Guadalajara. Para su información les recomendamos visitar tambien la pagina de la Fundacion Gurdjieff Guadalajara (en Facebook) donde se publican articulos referentes al Trabajo del Sr. Gurdjieff en español. Saludos... Juan Casiabi

Gurdjieff Foundation of Guadalajara 21.11.2022

THE RANGE OF SPIRITUAL POSSIBILITIES "...With the formation of the third and fourth bodies, new knowledge and powers, unimaginable to the ordinary person, are acquired. Only then does a human being possess the fullest range of spiritual possibilities, including the sense of an inner unity, a permanent and unchangeable I, consciousness and will..." by gurdjiefffourthway.com ...Continue reading

Gurdjieff Foundation of Guadalajara 21.11.2022

Talks of Mme. Ouspensky (a) The Termagant. By one of her pupils December 28, 1940... Madame spoke about naturalness and artificiality. For her, all of us were artificial. Restraints of upbringing and environment had formed a crust about us through which nothing could penetrate. We lived always in thoughts and were unable to feel or to receive impressions direct from the outside world. Her work with us was in the nature of digging hard stony ground or breaking down the hard casing in which we lived. Man is a world within a world. In the Ray of Creation, higher matters permeate the lower. In the same way, man consists not of one body but of several, the finer enclosed within the coarser. He must make contact with the outside world in order that the inner world may develop.

Gurdjieff Foundation of Guadalajara 21.11.2022

TRANSUBSTANCIATION by IMF Mr. Gurdjieff said: "One needs fire. Without fire, there will never be anything. This fire is suffering, intentional suffering, without which it is impossible to create anything. One must prepare, must know what will make one suffer and when it is there, make use of it. Only you can prepare, only you know what makes you suffer, makes the fire which cooks, cements, crystallizes, DOES. Suffer by your defects, in your pride, in your egoism. Remind your...Continue reading

Gurdjieff Foundation of Guadalajara 21.11.2022

SERVICIO A LA COMUNIDAD POR PANDEMIA DE COVID19: Como parte del apoyo a la comunidad estaremos difundiendo temas que nos puedan servir para defendernos ante la Pandemia COVID 19. DISCLAIMER: Nosotros solo enviamos la información que nos pasan otros miembros del grupo, los damos a conocer por si fueran de utilidad. NEUTROLYTE Me están pasando datos de productos de desinfección NEUTROLYTE de Grado-Hospital que se usan en los hospitales y que tienen alto nivel tecnológico, por ...tres razones: 1.- Son mas potentes, 2.- Tienen efecto prolongado de 8 a 12 hrs.de protección, 3.- No son tóxicos pues mucha gente los esta comprando como alternativa. NOTA: Estos productos son mas caros que los productos comerciales de bajo nivel a base de alcohol. Pero son 100% eficaces vs. virus y están disponibles para entrega inmediata. NEUTROLYTE CONTACTO: José Cuevas, cel. 55 55 4026 3784, email: [email protected] See more

Gurdjieff Foundation of Guadalajara 20.11.2022

STAGES by JC About the stages in The Work on oneself, from left to right: the first three are preparatory in nature. From the beginning it is clear the large amount of energy expenditure and the lack of contact with The Energy from Above. In the second one there´s an awakening of the feeling of the search using given names like: "search for the truth" "finding oneself", etc. whatever the external form it takes, at this stage with the right help it is possible to start to work... on Self Remembering and Seeing Oneself which acts alone can open the possibility to open us to the High Energy from Above which is always present. In The Third stage a clear connection with such Higher Influence is already in place which establish an alignment both external and internal which may be experienced as an Axis of Energy which runs from the top of the head downwards to the Sacrum and at the same time there is a sensible reduction in the mechanical waste of energy which is previously experienced by means of the act of Iramsamkeep. The Work then is concentrated around the practice of the intentional participation of this Axis in all activities and manifestations of the centers both individually and simultaneously. But it is only in the fourth stage when it becomes possible for us to help ourselves by the intentional introduction of the THIRD FORCE causing the internal energies like mind, feeling, sex to revert their flow towards the Solar Plexus (Center of the Hearth) and start an accumulation of such energies in that center. At this stage, the Work is about the introduction of the Third Force in order to create the necessary conditions: Conscious Labors and Intentional Suffering (like: Keeping the action of the Third force on the opposites and To bear the displeasing manifestations of the others) conditions which are necessary in order to transform and feed refined substances from the intake of Air and Impressions to the inner parts of the centers (and from their interplay to the so called: The Master). The process is Inhale-Exhale naturally but the participation of the inner energy, it becomes: Inhale-Retain-Exhale-Digest. In the fifth stage, the energy in the Solar Plexus gets mixed with the energy from below (the Hara) and from the Sacrum to start the formation of the Second Being Body. In this stage still the connection with the Higher Influence is very strong, constant and very intense, the opening on the top of the head closes since an new individual Law of Three becomes alive within, there´s a continuous growing presence and there is no more energy waste. See more

Gurdjieff Foundation of Guadalajara 20.11.2022

CHALLENGES AND DIFFICULTIES FOR GURDJIEFF'S PUPILS As a result of her experiences, one pupil wrote: Mr. Gurdjieff unveiled for me, to the extent to which I was capable of receiving it, the mystery of true love. (19) A Fourth Way author suggests that Gurdjieff was offering an active manifestation of Divine Love cloaked in the garment of outrageous or offensive behavior: The real food Gurdjieff served at his daily luncheons and dinners was prepared in Being. The role he...Continue reading


Localidad: Guadalajara Jalisco

Teléfono: +52 33 1254 1698

Ubicación: www.fundacion-gurdjieff-guadalajara.org Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico

Web: www.facebook.com/fundaciongurdjieffguadalajara

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